
A National Strategic Narrative Analysis

Satisfactory Essays

Porter and Mykleby's "A National Strategic Narrative" aims to provide a framework for the United States in the transition to the 21st century. More specifically, it suggests policy decisions regarding investment, security, economic development, the environment, and engagement. It is based on three main premises: maintaining national interests, balancing sustainability, and retaining the national values. From these premises, the narrative responds to five trends in the new century, which are

From control in a closed system to credible influence in an open system.
From containment to sustainment.
From deterrence and defense to civilian engagement and competition.
From zero sum to positive sum global politics/economics.
From national security to national prosperity and security.
First of all, the authors, Captain Wayne Porter and Colonel Mark Mykleby (under the pseudonym Mr. Y) are "actively serving military officers". This narrative is, therefore, beaming with patriotic and nationalistic language. It is interesting to me to see how much faith and hope the authors have in the state of the country and its people. They place less emphasis on the flaws of America and more on how the country could simply "recover" from those flaws by following what is laid out in the narrative.

As I read through the narrative, as much as I …show more content…

Slaughter's preface. "...the rise of China as a major economic power has been overall very positive for the U.S. economy and the prosperity and stability of East Asia..." I beg to differ. Recently, as a result of China's expanding economy, there has been growing conflicts between China and the surrounding countries (including Vietnam). This shows how much China is growing, not only in terms of its economy, but also in its influence to other countries. Therefore I believe the United States must still assert its influence (dominance?) in order to maintain stability in the

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