
A Persuasive Speech On Bullying

Satisfactory Essays

How would you feel if someone hurt your feelings, your body, everything that you are? What if you could make it stop? Well, I had a friend in 8th grade and she was being bullied. In her childhood she was in a fire that made her face a little different from the others. She went through five surgeries to get her face fixed, but still, the scar was there. Even though she tried to hide her scar with makeup everyone knew what happened to her, and her house. She was special because she won an art contest against a girl who had won it since sixth grade. That girl was mad at her because she said that my friend took her place. It wasn’t true, it was obvious that my friend won the contest fairly. So, when the accident happened she took the opportunity to get her revenge. My friend felt inferior from the other girls, and she couldn’t accept what happened to her and hr life. She couldn’t say what that girls did to her because they threatened her saying that if she told anyone what that they would make her life worse than it already was. She ended telling me what was like to being bullied. She said that she stopped fearing them because they were just kids that wanted attention. At the end, you can see that they only want some attention from the rest. This issue is important because too many kids are suffering from bullying, and it needs to be stopped. We can help to prevent it from happening. The sources I used are from SIRS research articles.

Bullying is a serious issue because it has an impact on the teens that have to deal with it. One of the latest studies of bullying and cyberbullying in the middle and high school students presented by researchers at Florida Atlantic University and the University of Wisconsin-Eau (UW-EC) used a sample of 5,600 children between the ages of 12 to 17 years old to address various forms of bullying, sexting, as well as thoughts of suicide and deviant behavior. The results of the study were that 73 percent of students reported that they had been bullied at school at some point in their lifetime; 44 percent said that it had happened in the last 30 days. Among those who were bullied recently, 88 percent said they were called mean names or were made fun of in a hurtful way; 77 percent said

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