
A Qualitative Study On African Women 's Views On Perinatal Care Services

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A QUALITATIVE STUDY ON AFRICAN WOMEN IN VICTORIA ON THEIR VIEWS ON PERINATAL CARE SERVICES. BACKGROUND Excellent perinatal care services results in positive maternal outcomes. However, barriers still exist in some communities due to inequalities, language barriers and education levels which compels individuals to access and use appropriately such services among women of the reproductive age. Perinatal care services refers to care that pregnant women and their unborn babies receive before, during, and after delivery which commences from the first visit of antenatal care through the fortieth day after delivery. which in short are referred to as antenatal, labour and delivery and postnatal period which women undergo through during maternity …show more content…

In Australia maternity services can be accessed in either public or the private sector(Brown, Sutherland, Gunn, & Yelland, 2014). In Australia, many studies have been done to explore the experiences of migrant women of different backgrounds and not much has been done on African women on their experiences on perinatal care only one study was done on African women’s experience in Brisbane (Murray, Windsor, Parker, & Tewfik, 2010). According toBuckskin et al 2013, recommended that non-english speaking background women are hard to reach group which needs further to be investigated. This has prompted the researcher to explore the experiences of African women on perinatal care in Victoria. OBJECTIVES Broad Objective To explore the experiences of perinatal care services among women of African background who are living in Victoria, Australia. Specific Objectives To examine their experiences on antenatal care services. To explore their experiences on labour and delivery. To explore their experience on postnatal care which they received. Literature Review Antenatal experiences Antenatal period is very crucial for pregnant mothers and their unborn baby in order to identify and prevent ailments. Thus WHO recommends that women should start antenatal care services as

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