
Essay about A Study Of Depression And Relationships

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A Study of Depression and Relationships

A primary concern for Psychology research is depression. Depression affects a great deal of our population and many aspects of an individual's mental health and well-being. In my research of books, articles, and Internet pages on depression, I chose to base my paper mainly on a 1994 article of a study of depression, entitled Depression, Working Models of Others, and
Relationship Functioning, by Katherine B. Carnelley, Paula R. Pietromonaco, and
Kenneth Jaffe.
This study focuses on the idea that the type of care received in childhood, positive or negative, has a great effect on relationship functioning later in adulthood. But there are two links between child-rearing …show more content…

The actual distinction between independent and dependent variables is confusing. There are almost ten variables in this experiment: mild depression, no depression, dating or not dating (101 out of 163 were involved in stable dating relationships that averaged 19.99 months), positive or negative child- rearing, attachment style (fearful, preoccupied, or secure), and relationship functioning (overall satisfaction, quality of interactions with partner, and conflict resolution style). The confusion arises in that the study is assessing the relationships of so many variables.
The second study repeated the first except the sample consisted of recovering clinically depressed married women and non depressed married women.
The first hypothesis 1a was confirmed as having a strong correlation between women with negative childhood experiences with their mother and a preoccupied and avoidant attachment style. Hypothesis 1b was confirmed by a strong correlation between childhood experiences and depression.
A very strong correlation existed between depression and fearful and preoccupied attachment styles, consistent with the second hypothesis.
The researchers found that attachment style had more of an impact than depression, "attachment style was the most consistent predictor of relationship functioning and

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