
A Summary Of Genetically Modified Organisms

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The way a person’s lives their life growing up can have a major influence on their future, especially in someone’s eating habits and the ingredients in those foods. Genetically modified organisms also known as GMO’s, are organism whose genetic matter have been artificially manipulated through genetic engineering. They are used to make the food last longer and adds more flavor which makes them tastier. They were introduced into our food supply in the mid 1990s, they were used to delay the ripping of tomatoes. The largest producer of genetically modifying organisms today is in Monsanto in the United States, which now dominates the global market of genetically modifying seeds. There have been many controversial sides, whether they are harmful …show more content…

The crops will also be able to resist the harsh weathers and droughts. They have also decreased the number of food being wasted and water waste. Genetically modified crops are more environmentally friendly, they are able to conserve soil, water, and energy. They also prevent water run-offs that are polluting our water system. While reducing weeding it prevents the loss of topsoil. Sixty percent of all vegetables and fruits are being wasted, they are not being eaten due to bruising through transportation. This also includes a large portion of soy, cotton, canola, corn and sugar beets that are sold in the United States. They have also approved using GMOs in apples and potatoes to prevent them from bruising and do not brown. This is due to how they are being harvested, collected and the transportation process. This process prolongs the time that it is being purchased and eaten, so they will simply go bad before they end up being eaten. With GMOs, it gives the fruits and vegetable more time to successfully last to being eaten and will withstand being on the shelves longer. Randy Krotz stated that “GMO soybean seeds that produce healthier soybean oils, eliminating trans fats and containing increased levels of Omega 3,” it explains how they will be able to us GMOs to give us good nutrition’s which will give some food a healthier benefit to our body’s. Rice has been known to feed the majority of the population, rice contains vitamin A. If rice is genetically modified

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