
AMHC Program Proposal

Decent Essays

Maintenance stage of the program is put forth for the short or long term out-come of the client assessment. This is depending on how serious the client mental disorders are and what type of intervention or prevention plan which is lied out for the client. At this time, the AMHC will be looking and observing the progression of the clients, staff members and AMHC. The center will measure all level of activities, group and individual session, and treatment progressions. There will be also different obstacle that the AMHC will be confronted with. Getting adolescent with mental disorders to come join the AMHC center initially and coming on regular bases is an obstacle that will be addressed. The program will reach out to neighboring schools and families to see if adolescent need any mental help or services. There will be provided transportation for clients and family member to go to and from the center. Another obstacle will be the connection of the therapist and client. Some adolescent will not make a connect with his or her therapist. There will be a monthly evaluation on the clients and therapist progress. There will be open meeting for staff, clients and families. This was be the time to listen to all points of views. There will be data that will be collected by …show more content…

We will aid clinicians and managers in planning programs and managing clinical services. Adolescent Mental Health Center will establish goal-oriented program planning, information systems and quality assurance programs before it attempts client outcome evaluation. Outcome studies will continue to developmental stages and should be conducted when there are clearly defined needs, available resources, and clinical and managerial agreement regarding the uses of the resulting

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