
Abnormal Psychology Labels

Decent Essays

As humans we like to place labels on everything. In order to define, describe, or just to pin point something out. The majority of us humans are guilty of using words such as “normal”, “abnormal”, “crazy”, “psychotic”, and “dysfunctional” to describe people we see behaving in a certain manner. Behavior of an individual usually tends to be the main source from which these labels derive. While placing these labels on various behaviors we forget some factors, which are culture, values, and personal perspective. As a society we are so quick to judge, especially the American society.
As part of the American society we tend to be very quick to place a label on behaviors. For example, in my undergraduate career I took a course called “abnormal Psychology”. The first day of the course the instructor made it very clear that there was no such thing as “normal”, and “abnormal”. …show more content…

On the other hand, I have to think about a few things. Why do we have the DSM 5, courses such as abnormal psychology, and most importantly why do the terms “normal” and “abnormal” or “health” and “dysfunctional” exists? All of these labels do not exist for any apparent, if they did not exists as a previous instructor of mine said, or are challenging to label. Then the field of psychology would be inexistent. A major part of the field is due to the mental disorders people have, which have already been labeled. These disorders were labeled in order for clinicians, or professional to do three things: place a label, find the structure of treatment, and treat the disorder. This system here is the whole focus of the DSM in general. As for the course abnormal psychology that was taken during my undergrad career, we touch bases on various brain disorders that were not “normal” for the average mentally stable human. The terms “abnormal”, “normal”, “health” and “dysfunction” do exist due to the previous reasons listed

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