
Adhd Evaluation Results

Decent Essays

Evaluate the Results (10 points):
• What does it contain? The results sections contain a description of the sample characteristics. In the description, it contains the percentage of teachers who had experience teaching junior high (67.3%) and senior high (40.7%), the number of years of experience, and education level. The sample characteristics section also contained how knowledgeable teachers were about ADHD and the level of education pertaining to ADHD. The results section also included the mean, standard deviation, and minimum and maximum scores for the total and subscale score for the KADDS in the text and in Table 1. A correlation was run between Teachers’ perceived knowledge of ADHD, Total Knowledge score, their General Knowledge (r+.045), and Symptoms/Diagnosis Knowledge (r = - .043). …show more content…

This was represented in the text and in Table 2. A Pearson’s correlation was also run for the two subscales in the Instructional and Behavior Management Strategies (IBMAS). A high correlation was found (r = .659). A paragraph including the relationship between ADHD and the variables of knowledge and beliefs were also included. This paragraph included the correlation scores between the Total Knowledge score and teachers’ Total Beliefs scores (r = −.07), the Diagnostic Validity beliefs subscale and Total Knowledge scores (r = −.24), the Diagnostic Validity beliefs subscale and the symptoms/diagnosis knowledge (r = −.23), the Diagnostic Validity beliefs subscale and Treatment Knowledge (r = −.20). The authors also mentioned a significant correlation between the Expectations Beliefs subscale and Symptoms/Diagnosis Knowledge (r = −.20). In the last paragraph (ADHD Knowledge, Beliefs, and Use of Instructional and Behavior Management Strategies) the authors included the significant negative correlation between the Total Beliefs and self-reported use of Behavior Management practices (r = −.22), and between the Expectations Beliefs subscale and

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