
Adult Learning Disability Essay

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The Adult Learning Disability Service for Lancashire Care NHS is a sector in the trust’s community health services, that are there to enhance the health of individuals with a learning disability and assist them to connect them to any health care that they may need by assisting mainstream health services by creating an unbiased adaption to help people with a learning disability to access them also by producing specialist health assessments and interventions (Lancashire Care NHS, 2018). Lancashire Care promotes the thoughts that individuals with learning disabilities have a right to equal access to healthcare, respect and understanding, receive services that are in their best interests when they are not able to make decisions for themselves, …show more content…

The government are committed to developing an education service that provides equality of opportunity and high achievement for all children (, 2018). The Special Educational Needs Code of Practice (SEN) plays a vital role promoting this commitment. This code of practice now endorses a uniformity approach to meeting children’s special educational needs and places the rights of children with special educational needs at the heart of the process, allowing them to be heard and to take part in decisions about their education (, 2018). The old SEN Code of Practice is for any children that come under the needs for extra help while in a school setting and have been assessed, any children that are assessed now will come under the new SEND Code of Practice 2018 (, 2018). A child or young person has a special educational need or disability (SEND) if he or she has a learning difficulty, which calls for special provision to be made for him or her. (SEND, 2015). The SEND Code of Practice defines a child with a learning difficulty as a child who has greater difficulty learning than most children of the same age or has a disability which can harm or interferes with the child from making use of educational facilities provided for children of the same age (SEND, 2015). The SEND Code of Practice explains the importance of including parents and children in identifying, understanding and taking decisions about special educational needs (SEND,

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