
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Translation And The Transfer Of Language In Education

Decent Essays

Translation is a process to translate word or text from one language to another. It transfers information to another person by written text which has purpose to transfer the idea in communication. Translation form is focused on written text such as text book, journal, poem, story and other as a part of communication and transfer of knowledge on the printing form. All of recent information such as scientific improvement, political issue, entertainment and news transferred from source language to the target language. It exchanges information and knowledge from one country to another. The improvement of country depends on the information. This is the effect of our incomplete and limited source book, text and journal which very important to our daily need in education Eventhough, the translation is very important and gives beneficial to improvement of education.
However, translation is quite difficult to do because it needs skill; people are not allowed to translate something in arbitrary way. There are some theories that should be concerned in order to get a good translation. It is one of the reasons why in this ages, a study of translation becomes an academic subject which also known as translation course. By the time, many universities put translation as a course into their curricula like which is ”Universitas Negeri Padang”. One of the purpose of the adding translation studies as a course in Universitas Negeri Padang is producing a good translation. Moreover, translation has

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