
Bethel University: An Overview Of Distance Learning

Decent Essays

An Overview of Distance Learning

After completing the chapter reading at Bethel University, the adult student has learned that there are many benefits and advantages of distance learning programs. In this modern day society, many students, employees, organizations and companies are utilizing the new innovated technology of distance learning while, also enhancing their educations goals, job skills and cognitive skills. The Bethel student also learned that distance learning also reduces many costs that would normally be associated with classroom, training, learning materials and expenses. As a college student, one is able to take advantage of taking under graduate courses no matter where I’m at. According to Bethel, (2017), Distance learning fits around existing professional and personal responsibilities by offering both home and work sites that are convenient for training skills, educational and workforce development (p. 296). The purpose of the paper is to discuss and demonstrate the advantages of distance learning, training methods and learning principles, while enhancing the student educational goals, job skills and intellectual skills.
Meanwhile, as for the Bethel student, distance learning has allowed one to be more flexible and more controlling over my career, college and other learning experiences. It also reduces travel cost, because the student no longer has to pay for commuting back and forward to the campus for classroom learning. It’s also a flexible way for

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