
Advertising And Self Esteem

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Consumers deal with advertisement every single day and it reflects every aspect of life, needs, and desires. According to Statista Inc. an internet statistic company, United States was the world’s largest advertising market in 2016, with more than 190 billion U.S. dollars were spent in advertising followed by China and Japan. The presence and influence of advertising is inevitable. It spread through thousands of channels like internet, television, radio, magazines, newspaper, and etc. Statistics from MarketingSherpa a research firm shows printed advertisement like newspaper and magazines are most trusted channel of all following by television and catalogs advertising. Regardless of these advertising channels, ones might not realize that these ads are actually affecting their self-esteem. On the contrary, self-esteem reflects the confidence of a person and its worth in every aspect of their life. A good advertisement and a person self-esteem seems not relates to one another, however as it go deeper, it certainly influence an individual psychologically or even the society at large. Depending on what type of ads viewed, it might affect the person thinking or even the subsequent actions. It can reflect their motivations and lead to a certain actions towards achieving specific desire. Often, a good advertising will have a positive impact on person self-esteem and the society. From the side of the business, good advertisement shows the company good reputation and business ethical

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