
Advertising Influence On American Culture

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Nowadays, advertising is all around us, it is an unavoidable part of everyone’s life, and they are many different types of advertising. Some of the most popular advertising around us are: Newspapers, Magazines, Trade-shows and Events, Televisions, Radios, Web sites, and etc. A survey was conducted by MEDIA AND ENTERTAINMENT and it reveals that around 70 percent of Americans are influenced by advertisement. Advertising has an influence on everyone in one way or another, but it especially had an influence on my family. (American families)
Advertising has altered (or transformed) clothes that my family wears. Magazines show a thin girl with hair-thin models wearing a button-down shirt has the ends of the collar fastened to the shirt with buttons and an A-line skirt fits closely around the waist and is slightly wider at the bottom. One day my sister saw an ad on television about a beautiful young women wearing a black open-necked shirt that made of Vegan Leather. She was so obsessed about that shirt that she searched the entire planet Earth just to acquire it. The shirt was so expensive that she choice to work three days overtime so she could afford that one shirt, and when she bought that shirt I saw her only a couple of days …show more content…

Nowadays, there are so many ads about food that we are surrounded, and affected by it without us realizing it. My brother and I were driving, and we saw a build boards that had a picture of heavenly hamburger. It had a Velveeta cheese slice melting ever so lovingly on top of it, resting between the cares of a bakery fresh bun with the crisp bed of lettuce and the reassuring glaze of the finest ketchup. Once that we passed by that huge build board, we were craving for that hamburger. While I was eating that hamburger, my brain gets rocketed into another world as it tries to make sense of all the variety of tastes and smells. This shows that just look at the food ads makes us desire

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