India’s two top telecom operators, Bharti Airtel and Reliance Jio, are locked in a tight competition which has triggered another round of price war in the industry. But unlike the 3G price war in 2012 or 4G price war in 2016, the new battle isn’t about who is offering the lowest price but who can sell for free and for how long. And then, there’s a revived interest in targeting the lower tier of userbase that is still using the 2G feature phones.
In September, Reliance Jio launched its fourth generation (4G) wireless internet services, that has led to a financially bleeding battle between telecom operators.
What Reliance Jio is offering, is “unfair competition”, Mittal had said at a conference in Delhi, while launching
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The study is explanatory in nature.
2.1 SWOT Analysis
1. Airtel is one of the largest cellular service provider in India, with over 260 million subscribers
2. Largest Telecom operator in the world with 200+ million subscribers across 19 countries make Airtel a strong brand
3. Airtel is the only Indian operator, with VSNL, that has an international submarine cable
4. High brand visibility of Airtel
5. Strong advertising with celebrity brand ambassadors has boosted the brand
6. Airtel has great value added services like Airtel money, online recharges, bill payments
7. Airtel stores, kiosks, sponsorships etc have boosted the brand presence worldwide. 1.Price competition from other telecom players means limited market share.
2.User privacy is an allegation which the brand has had to face.
1.Price competition from other telecom players means limited market share.
2.User privacy is an allegation which the brand has had to face 1.New entrant's low price offering can reduce market share
2.Saturation point in basic telephony service can be tapped by Airtel
3.Mobile Number Portability can be used by the company to tap competitor
The generation of talking face-to-face is slowly fading away, and the technology era is going to keep on growing. One of the most widely used technology services known today is the cellular phone industry. According to the Pew Research Center’s website, 90% of American adults own a cell phone. Of that 90%, the smartphone ownership is at 64% (2013). Verizon Wireless, along with the other major carriers, T-Mobile, Sprint, and AT&T, have taken this data and comprised a growing industry where competition arises from all angles. These companies have battled one another on pricing, plans, and customer service for many years in order to stay on top. Unfortunately, these are major factors in whether or not a customer will choose the particular company over another.
The Canadian cellular service’s industry is comprised of approximately 15 cellular providers. These operators employ approximately 16,000 individuals and generate more than CAN$10B in revenues annually, which represents almost 30 percent of the Canadian telecommunications market. The Canadian wireless industry has been experiencing an annual growth rate three times that of any other Canadian telecommunications sector. This is very significant as Canada is in the top 10% in the world for broadband penetration.
With key players showing large net profits within 2013 with Telstra profiting the most at $3,865 million (Telstra 2013), closely behind Optus with $3508 million (Optus 2013) and Vodafone approximately $1215 million, they are creating an oligopoly within the telecommunications industry. The cost of infrastructure and increasing profits of Telstra, Optus and Vodafone, wholesales are looking to negotiate deals to attract businesses and consumers who are going directly to the supplier for service, however Telstra maintain a majority ownership of infrastructure within Australia and leases approximately 45% of their services to competitors (Ramil 2014) allowing Telstra to influence pricing and what is passed onto the customer.
Scope of competitive rivalry: primarily major carriers (revenue more than $1 billion). Legacy carriers developing low-cost offshoots
I. BACKGROUND: CelluComm and GMCT and the Industry AT&T’s Bell Laboratories cellular telephone networking innovation had enabled several cellular network operators to get licenses from the FCC to operate in separate license territories right about the same time AT&T was broken up in early 1980s. These operators were either companies like Cellular Communication Services, Inc. (CelluComm) or small entrepreneurs who had won license territories through the lottery system. CelluComm’s president and founder Ric Jenkins was known for being an aggressive businessman who had extended it to a 200 million dollar enterprise ranking in the top 20 of the industry. Key to
In today’s telecommunication market there is a lot of competition by industry giants such as Sprint,
New York headquartered company, Verizon Wireless is one of the world’s largest telecommunication companies today. They use their worldwide network to bring interactive entertainment, the Internet, and digital media to the fingertips of its customers. Verizon makes it possible for people all over the world to stay in touch and businesses to connect better with consumers by bringing hands-on technology directly to those in need (Verizon, 2016). With that being said, this paper will be an informative piece that covers three noteworthy trends within the telecommunications industry that Verizon Wireless partake. The information gathered here will be used as background material for an upcoming discussion of Verizon’s strategic priorities.
Verizon Communications Inc. is a public sector company operating in the telecommunications industry, providing broadband and other wireless and wireline communications services to consumer, business, and government and wholesale customers. It also provides converged communications, information and entertainment services over America's most advanced fiber-optic network, and delivers integrated business solutions to customers . Verizon holds the position of the largest U.S. wireless communications service provider as of September 2014 , the carrier outstrips its three main competitors which are AT&T Sprint and T-Mobile across a variety of coverage categories including network speed, network reliability, data and calling. The only category in which Verizon was runner up was in texting to AT&T . Verizon holds position #22 with a $202.5 B market value in Forbes Magazine’s 2015 Ranking list of The World’s Biggest Public Companies, that’s five places before AT&T with a $172 B market value . However many people still choose other providers over Verizon, with that in mind my commentary will focus on analyzing the weaknesses and threats of Verizon that may cause people to choose other providers over it. In a
Introduction Telstra is an Australian company, which have an international presence in 15 countries, including China. They leads telecommunications and information Service Company by providing a full range of communications services and competes in all telecommunication markets. The primary activities of the company are providing basic access services to businesses and home in Australia such as mobile telecommunication, content and broadband access. Offering million variety of retail fixed broadband, mobile and fixed voice services.
Telstra has nearly 35 years to provide the mobile telephony to Australian, from 1G to 4G, from that journey, the Telstra is not only extending coverage through the rollout of new towers, but also creating new and innovative ways to extend and improve mobile coverage into the far place of the Australia.
Given the mission of the Competitive Carriers Association, one could infer that Chairman Wheeler was, indeed, “preaching to the choir.” The organization is the special interest group representing regional and national “competitive wireless carriers and their stakeholders” (Competitive Carriers Association, 2011). The Competitive Carriers Association began with regional, small carriers that have always feared being crushed by the “big
Over a quite long period prior, telecommunication system has incredible improvements from the wire to wireless phone technology. “The ability to convey information quickly, accurately, and efficiently has always been one of the main focuses driving human innovation. From prehistoric man with their signal fires to the smartphone-wielding high-powered executives of today, communication still remains a key for survival and success.” (The History of Telecommunication) Telecommunications set a worldwide network helping people closer together. Nowadays, there are many firms with good services, such as AT&T, Sprint, PCS, T- Mobile, and Verizon in the US. Among these firms, AT&T is the telecommunicating firm that I would like to mention here about its mobile share value plans. Besides its services and products supplied, the mobile share value plans are one of the major changes of AT&T in 2014. The AT&T’s competitiveness, which is based on its pricing and servicing policies, is to measure against other companies in the Telecommunication Industry market.
In this market, AT&T may be forced to use restrictive trade practices to increase their services prices and restrict their production (Sjögren and Vifell, 2014). The organization may also in many instances collide with other organizations in the same industry in an attempt to stabilize an unstable market.
Strong brand equity - AirAsia’s brand name is well established in Asia Pacific (Learning Curve)
A vibrant new World of unlimited opportunities, where "Air' symbolized a word of unlimited freedom to think …………. to dream & to achieve, where "Tel' connotes new innovative yet simple ways to communicate spontaneously, not just through words but through ideas, emotions and feelings. leadership. Airtel comes to you from Bharti Cellular Limited - a part of the biggest private integrated telecom conglomerate, Bharti Enterprises. Bharti Enterprises has been at the forefront of technology and has revolutionized telecommunications with its world-class products and services. Established in 1976, Bharti has been a pioneering force in the telecom sector with many firsts and innovations to its credit. Bharti has many joint ventures with world leaders like Singtel (Singapore Telecom); War burg Pincus, USA; Telia, Sweden; Asian infrastructure find, Mauritius; International Finance Corporation, USA and New York Life International, USA. Bharti provides a range of telecom services, which include Cellular, cordless Basic, phones. Internet Apart and from recently being introduced largest National Long of Distance. Bharti also manufactures and exports telephone terminals and the manufacturer telephone instruments in India, it is also the first company to export its products to the USA. Bharti is the leading cellular service provider, with a footprint in 15 states covering all four