
Amazon.Com E-Business Model

Decent Essays’s E-Business Model’s E-Business Model

This paper will discuss how the largest retailer of books, has expanded into many other markets besides books and maintained profitability. It will examine how Amazon was able to maintain its brand identity and also look at whether Amazon should consider retail locations. Furthermore this paper will compare and contrast the websites of, Barnes and, and according to the functionality and design and other criteria.

Discuss whether or not Amazon has lost its identity by expanding into markets well beyond books.

Amazon has not lost its identity by expanding into markets beyond books however has matured in …show more content…

Furthermore it would help to make sure that their website’s design is functional and effective for their viewers. They would need to do some marketing research and survey many consumers to see maybe what they are looking for and approximately at what cost. This will probably show how low prices, availability, and expedient delivery are very important factors to consumers. Maybe Barnes and Noble will need to look at creating a new innovation to aid in recapturing its online market share.

At one time Dell sold computers exclusively online, now the same computers are available in retail stores (Wal-Mart for example). Discuss whether or not you foresee Amazon expanding its channel of distribution to include retail locations.

I really don’t foresee Amazon expanding its channel of distribution to include retail locations. If it does expand to that channel then it might only be a small portion of products. I think that Amazon will stay true to its brand of being an online retailer. Because Amazon is always researching to stay ahead of the game and if the research showed that it would be profitable for them to expand to retail locations then I think that they would definitely give it a try. But online shopping is becoming more of the norm versus going into a store to shop. Because of the convenience, personalization, and lower prices more consumers

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