Three out of five households in America own a pet. Now imagine one of those poor little puppies or kittens getting beaten, malnourished, or even getting trained to fight. Animal abuse is a serious crime. Regardless if it is a domestic animal or not, it should get treated like one. Animal abuse occurs everywhere and people do it because they are not scared of the punishment for doing it. Studies have shown that people that abuse animals are more likely to harm or kill people. Something should be done about this serious issue in society. In order to reduce the amount of animal abuse, law makers should increase punishments for abusing animals.
The major problem is animal abuse, and it happens in many different forms. The most popular forms are
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That is exactly what Tibor R. Machan thinks. He states, “Could animals have guilt, be blamed, feel regret and remorse, or apologize, or anything on that order? No, and why so, that was the gist of my theory: They are not moral agents like us, not even the great apes “ (Miller 62). Mr. Machan is stating that the human race is superior. Rights are designed for humans and nothing else. The view that Mr. Machan has is one that has animals as resources. Miller says “ The fundamental wrong is the system that allows us to view animals as our resources, here for us- to be surgically manipulated, or exploited for sport or money” (Miller 32). People need to learn how to fight the system. Animals are not here for us to experiment on, or use as entertainment that puts their lives at risk. They deserve rights, this is why the system needs to be fixed, and PAWS can do that. Miller admits, that animals lack many of the abilities that we posses. But why should that change anything , Miller says “ Animals cannot read, do higher mathematics, build a bookcase, or make baba ghanoush. Neither can many humans, and yet we don’t say that these humans therefore have less inherent value, or have less of a right to be treated with respect” (Miller 33). Animals cannot do any of the things that Miller said, but neither can a lot of people. Yet these people still have the rights that the doctors, or professors have. So why shouldn’t animals get these right too, and that is where PAWS comes into play. It will grant those animals the rights that they deserve. McDonald, from The Florida Bar Journal, when asked what she thought about animal abuse said this, “Animal cruelty, abuse, neglect, abandonment, and hoarding, whether designated as felony or misdemeanor crime or civilly prosecuted after confiscation, affect society “ (McDonald 31). These crimes need to stop, one action can plant a root to a
A population in America that often goes unnoticed is the animal population. Each year, approximately 7.6 million animals enter animal shelters nationwide (ASPCA). Of those 7.6 million, 2.7 million will be euthanized. I believe that no matter what species, no living being should ever be euthanized simply because there is not enough room for them. The ASPCA, or The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals was the first humane society to be established in North America and is, today, one of the largest in the world (ASPCA). This organization was found on the beliefs that animals should be treated respectfully under the supervision of humans, and that no animal should be killed.
Animal testing is not necessary to benefit the human society. There are many cheaper and faster alternative methods that help
Animal abuse is a big part of the United States, it happens in all 50 states. Do the animals get justice? What punishment is necessary to move forward with animal abuse laws? What is good about how we treat animal abuse. In fact, we should have a harsher punishment for animal abusers.
Most of the animals found on the road were abandoned by their house owners, the bulk of those animals square measure either cats or dogs. with reference to abandoned dogs, those animals while not superintendence reproduce, breeding puppies that are not desired and so, square measure assaulted through the neglect that they're left to suffer alone within the cruel world of the road. the tough conditions that street animals endure square measure major issues in animal welfare these days. Nearly seventy fifth of five hundred million dogs square measure out on the road. The injuries suffered from fending for food square measure seldom treated. Tumors, infection of skin and open wounds square measure usually found on the road animals that go untreated and cause nice suffering for the bruised and unattended animal.
Puppy mills are another form of animal abuse; where the dogs are bred for profit
Government data on domestic violence cases reveal a staggering number of animals are victimized by abusive partners each year. The HSUS estimates that nearly 1 million animals a year are abused or killed in connection with domestic violence. Do you believe animals have feelings like us human? Do you think they know when they are getting abused? All around the world there are hundreds, maybe thousands of ways animals get abused, mentally, physically and emotionally. Innocent creatures put on this earth for our happiness, for our food for our amusement are getting abused from the humans cruel ways of life. There are many animals around the world crying out for help, hoping for deliverance from the cruel animal abuse
Around the world, daily, animals are beaten, neglected, and struggling for survival. They are left in conditions that are unsanitary with no food or water, and they have very little hope as they live out their days. They are also left without the compassion that they deserve. Some, are rescued and found, but others, are given the chance to live a new life while learning how to be loved, while others are not so lucky. To help Ohio grow as a stronger state, we must fight for these abused animals’ rights and start giving out a punishment to the heartless owners. It is up to us to speak for the creatures who lack a voice. Recently the State of Ohio Senate failed to pass a law. Known as the Goddard’s Law, to help the abused animals. As a team we
The act of animal abuse across the US is increasing dramatically without great punishment. Animal abuse is defined as “acts of violence or neglect perpetrated against animals” (Petfinder). The act of animal abuse is currently punished with a “Three Strikes Law” which gives a felony charge and twenty-five year to a full life sentence if convicted of animal abuse three times. This law should be extended to first time abusers. The penalty should not only be extended for those accused of animal cruelty, but the government should work harder to encourage people to foster animals to keep them off of the streets and out of the shelters. People should increase their actions to protect the safety of domesticated animals.
Ever thought of a pet getting hurt or maybe even killed by a person? Millions of pets at home get injured or killed every year due to animal cruelty. “According to “Owner Of Colorado Dog Sled Business Charged With Animal Cruelty,” some photographs that show sled dogs in chains, Some appear painfully thin, with visible ribs, while others display signs of infection” (CNN). Why has it not been stopped? Animal Cruelty has not been stopped yet because we don’t have strict laws against it, most people who do animal cruelty get away with it or just fined. Animal cruelty is a serious problem and needs to be stopped.
Two adults walked in a pet store, looking for a puppy for their young daughter. Although they know that every dog there came from a puppy mill, a cruel place, they still get a puppy. They go home and give their daughter the puppy. The puppy didn’t seem happy, so they took it to the vet. The vet said it was sick, it died days later.
Although there may be many arguments regarding the proper treatment of animals, rights are a major concern. Humans have domain over animals and therefore act in a responsible way towards them. Affording animals certain rights would improve their living conditions as well as human’s conditions, and increase the awareness of the consequences humans may face due to their maltreatment.
Animal abuse usually happens when someone does not want to be responsible for their pets. When they don’t want to be responsible anymore they stop giving their animals food, water, shelter, etc. When this happens the animals live in unsustainable conditions. Also some people are just sick and think that hurting an animal is ok. Some of the countries where animal abuse happens the most is Spain for their shocking bullfights and horse cruelty, China is well known for their shameful acts such as skinning of live foxes and other furry animals. The Chinese not only ill treat foxes but also fishes. Fishes are caught and their internal organs are removed while they’re still alive. Slaughterhouses are common in Australia, and they’re known for large scale killing of large animals such as bulls and Cattle by punching and kicking them till they die. Restricted space, filthy conditions, and abuse from employees are some things they do to animals in
This is one of many reason why I am against animal abuse because if they would hurt a cute domestic animal what are the chances that they are going to hurt us humans. Animal’s abusers are the worst kind of human on earth in my opinion because why do they own a pet in the first place if they are just going to abuse it and not take care of it? I think some animal abuser have a pet in the first place so they can feel powerful in their homes. They must had been bully in their life or they must been through something that made their mind so mess up to abuse a domestic animal. Researchers founded that people who abuse their pets is a indication that are a killer or a rapist. Finally I think people who abuses their animals are even consider human
There are a lot of ways to stop and prevent animals from being abused. First, we can have fundraisers to raise money. You're going to need money because
Every year, nearly 1 million animals fall victim to abuse or cruelty. These cases are not only occurring in households, but zoos also. Animal abuse comes in two forms, neglectful and intentional. Neglectful animal abuse is when you give the animal minimal attention when caring for it. An example would be malnourishment, which is more prevalent in zoos, but can also be seen in households. On the other hand, there is intentional animal abuse. This comes in the form of physically mistreating animals. Instances of this usually occurs in households with domesticated animals, but can also occur in the wild. When we as a society look up from our daily life functions, we can see just how amazing animals can be. Animals are complex creatures that contribute to our ecosystem and capable of suffering. Not only does it cause animals to suffer, it cause our community to suffer as well. This act of immorality contains strong ties to the act of domestic abuse. The direct correlation of animal abuse and domestic abuse, animal abuse proves to be detrimental to our society.