The city that I came from has more than 4.9 millions population. It’s been a while for me to adjusted into this small town with 10,000 people. Through the two years of American high school experience, I realized that I’m a city person and the city is where I belong to. It is harsh for someone who grow up in city all the sudden there are no noise, no traffic, not even people on the street. I felt disconnected with the living world. Back to my city, while I handed my egg pancake to an old cripple man who’s looking for something to eat from the trash can on the street, he can’t stopped saying thank you. So did I. How lucky am I on the way to my future. But something across in my mind scary. What if I grow up in the small town, never able to
The place I call my hometown is Latta and I have realized that living in a small town has its perks and privileges. Latta is a small city filled with people that are affectionate and loving; especially my family. My hometown has taught me the importance of my family and friends. In the small city of Latta, nearly all the people would look out for each other like family and friends or even neighbors as well. My parents instilled values in me of never giving
In a progressively more globalized world that necessitates more effective educational practices, the U.S., once the biggest global force in education, has seen its dominance slowly slip out, and its educational status fall even lower than that of several third-world countries. The decline experienced in American school system academic achievement is not as a result of lack of funding, but as a consequence of the overall educational system watering down. According to Gatto, educating children through the existing public school system of America is crippling rather than helping them. From his essay, ‘Against School,’ it is established that the goal of the whole public school system is to limit people’s intelligence in an attempt to create a society that is manageable. Gatto continues to state that action is needed to change this situation. He supports his assertions using current and historical information about the American school system and his personal experience. After reading his article, one realizes that most of Gatto’s arguments are true. It is true that the American education system is making the students comfort to the government and society norms, which is why they are easily bored. This essay’s goal will, therefore, be to support John Gatto’s beliefs.
I’m only a sixteen year old junior in a small high school 45 minutes away from the capital of Iowa. Therefore, I have never expected much out of myself, and neither has anyone else that knows me. I have always inferred that I would settle down close to my hometown, in order to be able to take care of my widowed, handicapped mother, but I realized that day that I do not want to be someone who just sits around and waits for life to happen.The sermon made me realize that my heart isn’t here, and I have to be able to leave home in order to be able to find my way back. Maybe the rainy coastline of Seattle will offer what I’m missing, or the bustling streets of New York. I believe that in order to grow as an individual, we as humans have to learn how to leave home in order to find our way
Is America’s public education system benefiting in helping students succeed or is it taking part in students lacking crucial information? In “The Problem with American Education” Zastrow Marvin C. states that “our country grew and flourished as it developed the most extensive, the most elaborate, and the most expensive educational system the world has ever known” (233). There are other systems around the world that maybe more effective, use a smaller budget, and are less time consuming. Students in American schools are beginning to score lower and lower on state wide standardized tests. Also more and more students are beginning to walk out of public education schools lacking crucial life knowledge. One different education system around the world that is more efficient and cost less money is Finland. Also this education system is less time consuming than America’s system. In America it is important for students
I am from a small Kansas town. “In the middle of nowhere” is an understatement. Unfortunately, the town’s isolated location and size greatly influences one’s mindset. Because they live in a tiny community, people tend to think that their options are limited. I am an advocate for changing that belief. Why should someone’s origins affect what they can accomplish? I challenge myself and others to let their dreams venture out of the city limits. Where someone lives should not be an excuse to refrain from striving for greatness. I am determined to revolutionize the stereotypes associated with small town living. From my personal experiences I discovered that close-minded citizens are associated with small midwestern towns. I want to shatter these
Students who are becoming freshmen often ask “what’s it like to be in high school?” High school is not what you think. Freshmen don’t get pushed in lockers, there's not that one popular girl who shoves other students books out of their hands, and the cafeteria is not the most embarrassing place to be. High school is not an amicable. If you really think high school is a amicable place where students smile at each other, think again. Here is some advice from my high school experience.
America’s high school education system is riddled with apathetic and failing students who just go to school simply because they are forced to. These students are wasting millions of taxpayer dollars just to socialize and cause trouble for the other students. The average student will cost taxpayers about 10,297 dollars a year to go through public schooling. With this amount of money being spent on the millions of high school students that are in the country none of it should be wasted on a student that just does not care. Most students who are failing think school is just a waste of their time and would rather spend their energy doing something else such as putting more effort into a job or skipping school. Due
My entire life so far has consisted of learning how to get by with minimum effort. I grew up in a small town where most of the residents will either live in the town for the rest of their lives of move a town over instead. I’ve always wanted something different. Yet, I’ve been stuck in an area where I have not been pushed to my limits. I have been waiting to inhabit an area where I look around my surroundings and actually get excited about the possibilities that await me.
Nine months out of a twelve month year is the average amount of time an average high school student in America spends in school. That time when added up is equal to 75% of the year spent in an education setting, of course giving leeway to that with winter and spring breaks. But on average, a current high school senior has been in a classroom setting 75% of their life for twelve consecutive years. On top of that students who will go directly from their high school education and begin their college education the following semester, will continue this cycle for the next averaged six years. It’s an influential and necessary, but sometimes vicious, cycle that almost every American who wants a well paying job has to go through to be successful in
In america, the high school education is omnibearing. It focus on development of student’s morals, intelligence, body and group.
America has always been the framework for greatness for the entire world, whether it be as a society, government, or world power. However, in recent years it would not be untruthful to state that this country’s ranking has considerably decreased in all aspects, when compared to other countries. When the truth is faced and comprehended, American citizens are forced to understand their country has drastically changed over the span of the last few years. America is no longer the economically stable force it once was, it no longer the government with a clear advantage over all other countries in world politics, and it is certainly no longer the a place where children can be securely given the best form of education in the world. It is because of
The American education system, more specifically the high school system, has not changed for the time that my classmates and I have been alive. The system was implemented to insure that each American citizen had an equal opportunity to prosper. However many of my peers in high school are immature. Most students envision sports as success and schools encourage.
Yes, that was me. I was the girl who Incubated like flowers in a green house for years . Long time ago, I started to ask my parents let me transfer to American high school, because i expected the freedom an the leisurely lifestyle. However this idea was always denied, according to my mom’s opinion, i can not even do one right thing without them, and how am supposed to do if i live abroad by myself? I was stimulated by it, and tried not to depend on them. With no more patient on me after i request them so many times, my parents decided to send me to American high school. That is the sentence came from, my mom emphasized threatening but worried.
A famous quote once said, “Knowledge is power.” A new study shows that the American schooling system, when compared to other countries, such as China, that has parallel statuses, is lagging extremely behind regarding educational achievement; matter of fact, the United States ranks in the lowest quartile in such an assessment. Research, along with student exam scores, has also shown a substantial achievement gap between students of little and high economic states. So President Bush created No Child Left Behind, which deals with Common Core. However, Common Core is not effective because it’s too vigorous too early, not enough training to properly implement in the school districts, and all students are not the same.
I had just woken up to the sea breeze whispering past me. I zip up my backpack and head for the door. As the bus pulls up I sit in the same seat as every day, pull out my headphones and try to rest my eyes before the coming grueling hours of high school. I go through the day as always, talk to the same people, and sit in the same uncomfortable plastic chairs. Soon the next day will come and I’ll do it all again like clockwork. But this time, as I shift in my seat counting the seconds on the clock; I’ll daydream of the future- of my trip to come. In just a span of a few months, my view of the world would alter. Now here I sit, having moved to a new state, completely immersed in different cultures, stories, and experiences. In the small space from high school graduation to now, I was lucky to travel to a new country and get outside my comfort zone enough to be able to move to New York City. I want to make a future for myself that’s different from that small seaside town I grew to detest. I was isolated not just by water but by limited diversity and opportunity. Now I survive in the city, shattering the box the previous town constructed around me. Once I was isolated; now I am an explorer.