
An Ethical Mind That Respect For Others Into Something More Abstract

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According to The Harvard Business Review “An ethical mind broadens respect for others into something more abstract. A person with an ethical mind asks herself, “What kind of a person, worker, and citizen do I want to be? If all workers in my profession adopted the mind-set I have, or if everyone did what I do, what would the world be like?”” (Fryer). I believe I definitely have an ethical mind, ever since I was child I always wondered what kind of overall person I would be and how that would affect others and my character. I always try to be as respectful and morally honest to everyone I come across and every situation in my life. I have actually wondered what if everyone not only in my profession, but in the world had the same mentality …show more content…

A deontologist focuses on doing what is “right”. Like stated above, a lot of my ethical background has come from the characteristics I was taught as a child such as honesty, fairness, and respect for others.

Although I do not have much professional leadership experience, in my personal and what I believe my profession style would be is a coaching approach. “A coaching approach is a high directive-high supportive style. In this approach, the leader focuses communication on both achieving goals and meeting followers’ socioemotional needs (Northouse, 2016, p.94). These types of leaders are approachable, provide personal and professional support, and are friendly. This is the kind of leader I would want to be, efficient in work productivity, but also welcoming and supportive of my employees. This style of leadership builds trust and honesty, which makes employees more likely to present ethical dilemmas to you, because they know the issue will be dealt with in a fair and just manner.

One leadership model that I value is Blake and Mouton’s Managerial (Leadership) Grid. “The Leadership (Managerial) Grid joins concern for productions and concern for people in a model that has two interesting axes” (Northouse, 2016, p.75). The horizontal axis signifies the leader’s concern for production, and the vertical axis signifies the leader’s concern for people. Each side of the grid is drawn to a 9 point scale, in which a 1 stands for minimum concern and a 9 stands for maximum

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