
An Evaluation Of Finite Duration

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Satisfaction is an evaluation of finite duration, made by the customer on product performance of the same, be it a good or service (Oliver, 1980). This review, according to the author, it tends to turn into a positive attitude (or not) by the consumer. Tse and Wilton (1988), defined as consumer response to the evaluation of the discrepancy between the previous and current performance expectations of a product as perceived after consumption. Oliver (1980) and Selnes (1998) argue that this is an essential variable to the continuity of a relationship and for future customer retention.

1.1.2. Perceived Quality
This construct is the judgment and perception of consumers about the excellence and global superiority of a good or service, compared to other competitors. Unlike objective quality, which are meant to standardize parameters and full functioning (that leads to consumer satisfaction), perceived quality is an attitudinal element, linked to the perception of significance (Parasuraman et al., 1988) . Fullerton (2005) indicates that relationships are built with perceived quality as the foundation. This construct is even stronger when inserted in the service sector, where Kandampully (1998), Hougaard and Bjerre (2003) point out the superiority of the companies where quality is superior.

1.1.3. Trust
Trust is seen as the most important in building relationships, being essential for achieving retention of consumers (Crosby et al., 1990; Morgan and Hunt, 1994; Selnes, 1998;

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