
An Important Role In My Life

Decent Essays

Growing up, my grandparents have always played an important role in my life. Despite my mother's choices early on in life and my lack of a consistent father figure, God has still blessed me with my grandparents. Watching them my entire life, they were able to show me what life was all about through their success, marriage, and relationship with God.

When I was younger, my grandmother's job had a day when you were supposed to bring your child to work. My mom has always been too old to go so my grandmother would take me instead. But, I remember one year in particular. My grandmother works for the USDA as an entomologist and whenever I went with her I always found her lab equipment fascinating. This year was pretty much the same, I …show more content…

I grew up experiencing broken marriages and relationships. Having my grandparents as an example has taught me what a healthy marriage is supposed to look like. During my entire childhood, I have never witnessed a bad fight between my grandparents. I always asked my grandparents how they manage to do it. It was so crazy to me that they had been married for over twenty years and were still so in love. One time my grandmother and I were cooking dinner and my poppy had gone to the store to pick up a few things, but when he got back he had more than just a few things. He ended up buying a new set of dishes for the kitchen and I remember my grandmother just looked at him with this face and he immediately knew that he was in trouble. She asked him why he bought new dishes when the ones they had were perfectly fine. He simply answered, “because they were getting dirty,” while he walked over to give her a hug and kiss. She couldn’t help but forgive him instantly for she knew that he couldn’t help it. As I was watching this it reminded me of a cute old married couple. I later told my grandmother that I wanted the love that she and my poppy shared. She replied by telling me that in order to be happy in my marriage the most important thing was to keep God at the center. Which leads me to my grandparents relationship with God. My grandparents have taken me to church for as long as I can remember. They’re the reason

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