Analysing the Nutritional Value of the Atkins Diet There are many different groups who would contribute to the creation of diet campaigns. Each with their obvious agendas in mind, the primary focus of any organization is making profit on sales. Every organization will try to do anything in their power to sell their product, whether the diet product works or not is a secondary concern. Marketing is everything in business and if a company can get a catchy jingle or a flashy advertisement then they are rewarded with sales and high revenue. Most diet campaigns feature "overnight success" stories of overweight people turning slim in low budget infomercials. What sets these companies apart from Jenny Craig and Slim Fast are purely based on …show more content…
Lettuce Chicory Sorrel Chives Parsley Cucumber Radishes Fennel Peppers Celery Alfalfa Sprouts Mushrooms Olives Other Vegetables: These vegetables have more carbohydrates than the ones above. You'll want to limit your intake of these to about 1 cup per day. Asparagus String beans, wax beans, etc. Cabbage Beet Greens Cauliflower Eggplant Tomato Onion Rhubard Scallions Spinach Summer Squash Zucchini Pumpkin Turnips Avocado Snow Pea Pods Collard Greens Dandelion Greens Broccoli Spaghetti Squash Celery Root Brussel Sprouts Artichoke Hearts Hearts of Palm These foods are high in carbohydrates and should be avoided: Breads Cereals Grains Sugars Candy Pasta Rice Anything with Flour Non-diet soda Juice Fruit Potato Chips Alcohol Canada Food Guide Requirements: Canada Food Guide Atkins Diet Plan Grain 5-12 servings daily i.e. breads, pasta, pizza,
main functions - primary energy source, fat and protein metabolism, energy reserves in stored glycogen, blood glucose fuels brain and CNS
3. What is “metabolism”? What does human metabolism have to do with energy balance and body weight? Answer: metabolism- the chemical processes that occur within a living organism in order to maintain life. Food is measured in calories which the body processes as energy. Additional calories must be burned through exercise or physical activity or it will be stored as fat.
point. You may eat anything you desire, as long as you don’t go over your
Two friends of yours, Janine and Mitchell, join you at lunch. During your conversation, Janine comments on Mitchell’s choice of food: a small bowl of cottage cheese, a chicken salad with vinegar and oil dressing, and a glass of ice water.
The Zone and Atkins diets aim to achieve lower levels of insulin in the bloodstream. The Zone diet reduces carbohydrates by structuring calorie intake to a 40% carbohydrate, 30% protein, 30% fat ratio. The ratio decreases the amount of carbohydrates consumed, inturn lowering overall insulin levels. The Atkins diet also lowers insulin levels by lowering the quantity of carbohydrates ingested. This four phase diet begins with extreme limitation and gradually allows small amounts of carbohydrates. Though these diets implement different approaches they both reduce the insulin levels in the bloodstream.
In life, many people participate in various daily events and activities that help them enjoy being who they are. People may enjoy getting together with friends, going to the mall, going to an amusement park or simply finding relaxation in nature. However, a big part of everyone’s life is of course eating and many people find pleasure in doing so. Eating is a very enjoyable and delectable must for everyone but should be done so, like everything in life, in a smart and intelligent way. Being smart and perceptive when eating is a large part of nutrition.
Please do not use cell phone to text during class as it distracts other students.
To determine the level of my fiber intake from a 3 day sample of my diet, I performed a Prospective Diet Analysis. On average, I consumed 22.3 grams of fiber, just missing the recommendation of 25 grams. Coherent to the findings of the related studies, my cholesterol intake decreased and by the third day totaled 124.5 mg, which relates to 42% of the Daily Recommended Intake of 300 mg.
In my Diet Journal, I recorded all the food I ate over the weekend with the best accuracy I could attempt to do. But one of the factors that made my food diary inaccurate was that I couldn’t find every detail and percentage of fat, carbohydrates, and proteins in everything I ate. Also, all of the amounts and servings were approximations, not exact amounts. I was able to record everything I ate, but accuracy may have been affected by estimations and sources. The calorie intake I had over the three day period ranged from 1900-2500 calories. This was over my 1800 BMR, due to the food choices and fluctuation in diet.
by Dr. Robert C. Atkins. Dr. Atkins believed that diets high in sugar cause the pancreas to
Proper nutrition is important in maintaining a long and healthy life. Most Americans are rushed due to their busy work schedules, and do not take the time to plan their diets properly. Like me, most Americans are unaware of the importance of eating a healthy diet and consume too many foods without the proper nutrients. Throughout my life I have been fortunate. I have not had any major health problems, and have been able to consume most foods without having to worry about gaining weight. These last two years, however, I started to gain weight and have become concerned with my diet. Changing my poor eating habits has been difficult for me, however, having this assignment has taught me that it is not as difficult as I previously
Today, more people suffer from weight and health problems than people from twenty years ago. You may ask why is that, and what is the difference between us today and the people of the last generation? Well, one main difference is the high-fat and low fat foods that we eat. High-fat and low-fat diets can be the cause of half our problems. People today; choose some sort of diet to help their weight problems. But many people do not know what the bad intake of some foods can do to you.
One of the most unhealthy diets in the world is that of an American. It is made up of processed foods and a good amount of television. America easily has the most fast food restaurants in the entire world. Leave it to McDonald’s, Wendy’s, Burger King or any other fast-food restaurant to serve extremely cheap and even unhealthier food at any time during the day or night. ”It tastes good so why not?” That seems to be the question many people are asking now-a-days. Because it is so easily accessible and processed, it is made to be very tasty and extremely unhealthy. Many Americans find his or herself indulging on the these fatty foods of America on a day-to-day basis. While it may taste good at the time, it has a terrible effect on your body
It is safe to say that the Atkins Diet is not as harmless as everyone would like to think. Originally, the disadvantages were not taken into account because desperate dieters were interested in partaking in a seemingly easy way to lose weight. However, plenty of negative side effects have been shown to support the fact that the Atkins plan is more harmful than people realized. These negative side effects range from headaches and dizziness, to the more severe reactions consisting of kidney and heart problems. These negative effects are caused primarily by a lack of carbohydrates in the body, which results in an increase of ketones, or poisonous chemicals. And, as it turns out, many
Food -- it is a necessity. There is not one person who does not think about it on a daily basis. For a college student, the quality of food available is not always to the highest of standards. Many students can not afford to buy expensive food or eat out on a regular basis. Many times their only option left is to eat from their school’s dining halls.