
Analysis Of A Child Called It By Dave Pelzer

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The Strength to Survive After reading the book, “A Child Called It” by Dave Pelzer, I will say this a melancholic book that depicts the true child abuse that Pelzer suffered in the hands of his mother. This book describes his horrifying experiences in child abuse and I would greatly recommend reading it. The book is fabulous and once you start reading it you will not want to put it down. Pelzer touches on the cruel abused faced by his mother and his deep willingness to survive and try to get ahead in life. This book is a step toward understanding the many different types of abuse and how to recognize the various forms of maltreatment. I will state three incidences of abuse from “A Child Called It.,” label each incident of abuse, and …show more content…

55). As I read this sentence, I was disgusted by the fact that a mother could do this to her own child. I labeled this kind of abuse as emotional abuse because emotional abuse is the sustained, repetitive, inappropriate emotional response to the child’s expression of emotion and its accompanying expressive behavior (Crosson, 2008, p. 217). Dave’s mother knew exactly what she was doing and she was repetitive about making her son eat poop from the brother’s diaper. Emotional abuse is also any act including confinement, isolation, verbal assault, humiliation, intimidation, infantilization, or any other treatment which may diminish the sense of identity, dignity, and self-worth (Croft). As I reflect on the incident I can only imagine Dave’s humiliation and intimidation upon the occurrence of this devastating scene. Some factors that could have possibly influenced this type of emotional abuse is parents marrying the wrong mate, become disillusioned with their partner, and consciously or unconsciously look for substitutes on whom to vent their anger and disillusionment (Crosson, 2008, p. 221). As I continued to read to read chapter five, the third incident of abuse popped into my head. The third incident of abuse occurred when

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