
Analysis Of Aaron Sapiro And Henry Ford

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Aaron Sapiro and Henry Ford confrontation on hate speech is iconic in nature. In Sapiro v. Ford, Sapiro sues Ford for framing Sapiro in a Jewish conspiracy. This confrontation shows that aspects of hate speech is disregarded. At the end of the case, Ford issues an apology, which is written by his lawyer, Louis Marshall. (Woeste 1). This apology fails to mention that Ford never wrote it to begin with, which is why Ford later writes a book about his court case with Sapiro (Woeste 1). Antisemitic attitudes were present during this time, but they were “muted” unlike “the more violent expressions of Jew hatred” that was seen in Europe (Woeste 3). Due to these muted attitudes, Ford was never prosecuted for being antisemitic, until Sapiro sued him. Another factor is the fact that Ford was praised in America, which in turn, helped him during his lawsuit in a societal method. Since Ford was praised, Ford’s attitudes and feelings were prevalent in society and were praised. Due to these factors, the end results Sapiro had hoped for was a near failure.
In Gladwell’s David and Goliath, certain aspects of this iconic story is disregarded, which is why Gladwell states we have interpreted this story wrong. One of the issues Gladwell brings up is that Goliath was ready for close to close combat, but was caught off guard by David’s approach in combat. David instead “reaches down and picks up five smooth stones” as his choice for combat (Gladwell 8). Later on, Gladwell discusses how there was

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