
Analysis Of Charcot 's Joint ( Neuropathic Arthropathy )

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Charcot’s Joint (neuropathic arthropathy) most often occurs in the foot and happens when a joint breaks down. In most cases of Charcot’s Joint the foot loses most of its sensation and the muscles lose their ability to support the joint completely. The foot becomes unstable and walking becomes difficult. Cranial neuropathy affect the cranial nerves that control sight, eye movement, hearing and taste. It begins with pain near the affected eye and eventually the eye muscle becomes paralyzed leading to double vision. This usually gets better after a few months. Compression mononeuropathy, a common type of neuropathy, occurs when one nerve is damaged. People with diabetes are further predisposed to compression injuries. Carpal tunnel syndrome …show more content…

If ketones build up in the blood it becomes more acidic and if the levels get to high people can develop diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA). DKA is extremely dangerous and can lead to a diabetic coma or even death. It is rare in people with type 2 diabetes, but it can occur. Diabetes affect the kidneys as well leading to kidney disease or nephropathy.
High levels of blood sugar caused by diabetes can cause the kidneys to filter too much blood. This overexertion can be hard on the kidneys and eventually they can start to leak and can be lost in the urine. If this is not caught early enough the extra work the kidneys are doing can cause them to lose their ability to filter allowing waste to build up in the blood and eventually leading to kidney failure. Individuals with diabetes are more likely to develop certain problems and diseases along with its effects on the different systems of the body.
Two out of three diabetics have hypertension, commonly known as high blood pressure. Diabetics are one and a half times more likely to suffer from a stroke as those without diabetes. They also have a higher than normal risk of developing heart disease. Two out of three diabetics die from a stroke or cardiovascular disease. People with diabetes also have a greater risk of depression than those without. With all of these potential problems and risk to their health it is somewhat surprising that people with

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