In his article, “Kids With Bedroom Smartphones Sleep Less: Study,” Alan Mozes suggests that a smartphone within children's bedrooms could undermine good sleeping habits more than television has. Mozes supports his claim through exemplification. He uses the results of various researches conducted by well-known magazines or universities. The author's purpose was to inform parents of children with no restrictions using their phones in order to help create a better future for the children who have become dependent on smartphones in their daily lives. In his video, "Can't Sleep? | Blue Light Sleep Effects," The Ratalyst asserts that blue light, emitted from mobile devices, halts the production of melatonin, a chemical substance that puts us to
Have you ever gotten lost in the Internet, swallowed by the constant updates on Twitter and Facebook for hours, when you only meant to be on for a few minutes? This is a constant battle in our society and technology changes and our use of it increases. It is becoming a bigger issue every day, and now it affects one of our basics psychological needs: sleep. Though I concede with Brooke Gladstone, author of “The Influencing Machines” that we can adapt to technology as it grows, I still insist that some issues that arise with technology are bigger than Gladstone portrays and we need to find solutions for some of the bigger problems that technology creates, especially when it disturbs a basic psychological need.
I think my mom kind of got tired of me asking, “Can I please have my phone back,” but she really didn’t make it known. Even taking away my electronic devices didn’t seem to help me sleep any better. I still had hard times falling asleep. My mom would sometimes come in my room and say, “You are still awake, you went to bed a whole hour ago.” I would always respond, “I just can’t go to sleep, I don’t know why.” This happened about every school night, so eventually she gave in. She knew that electronics was not the problem here, so I went from starting the year off going to sleep without my phone, to finishing the year with it. Sometimes it is just hard for anyone to go to sleep, but others believe this is only certain when your smart phone is involved. I think that where you sleep plays an important role. If you sleep on a hard mattress, or even a sleep sofa, sleeping becomes harder. “The bedroom environment can have a significant influence on sleep quality and quantity. Several variables combine to make up the sleep environment, including light, noise, and temperature. By being attuned to factors in your sleep environment that put you at ease, and eliminating those that may cause stress or distraction, you can set yourself up for the best possible sleep.” “In this book, Harvard Business School professor Leslie Perlow reveals how you can
For example, Bronson and Merryman revealed that children are too distracted with technology like television and cellular phones. Since children were allowed to have personal cellular phones, the use of cell phones has been a distraction of their daily sleep and parents are not fully monitoring this behavior. For example, children know they need sleep, but they refuse to do so because they want to know what is happening on their social media apps like Facebook and Instagram. Television is also a sleep distraction due to most televisions being placed in the children’s bedrooms. Children claim that they are staying up by choice due to not being able to complete homework or study for exam due to after school activities, but children also reveal how much time they spend on their cell phones that contain many distractions to prevent them from focusing on their academic responsibilities. Parents should strongly monitor their children’s technology use. For example, the parents must lecture their children about time management and if the child continues to become distracted with technology, they can ban them from the child in order for him/her to complete homework on time and have longer hours of
“On the other hand, our computers, cell phones, and other electronic devices can have us plugged in 24/7 and can often cause us to feel fatigue and exhaustion, which can take heavy tolls on our mood, health, and well-being. Since our technology never sleeps, it is important that we sync with the daily rhythms of nature and get adequate rest at proper times for optimal health,” was what health expert John Douillard, DC, said about it. This can help explain the children’s, and especially
According to Jean Twinges article, ”Have Smartphones Destroyed A Generation? “ Smartphones are “cutting onto teens sleep less than 7 hours a night” She also says “fifty-seven percent more teens were sleep deprives.”
This scholarly journal article deliberates the necessity of sleep and the phenomenon that adolescent children are suffering from a lack of sleep. The loss of sleep can negatively af-fect a teenager’s academic performance, driving capabilities, cognitive abilities and more. Bryant and Gomez provide recommendations for combating the sleep deficiency with teens, which includes their caffeine intake, establishing specific bedtimes, and the use of technology. The authors reference several other articles done specifically on the use of electronic devices and their effects on a person’s ability to sleep.
Social media does not only have a negative effect on the brain of an adolescent, but also the sleep one may receive. Most adolescents send a text message before they go to bed and keep their phone close to their bed or under their bed so they do not miss important messages throughout the night (Lenhart, Ling, Campbell, & Purcell as cited in George, 2014). A survey with over 900 pupils between the ages of 12-15 were asked about how often social media affected their sleep. In the study it was stated that one
Many do not believe that we have a technology problem in today’s society. But, ninety-five percent of people use technology an hour before they go to sleep (How Technology Affects Sleep). This is an alarming amount of people who use technology before they go to sleep. You do not have to be looking directly at the technology to trigger the pineal gland to stop releasing melatonin (Kim). Many also believe that lack of sleep due to technology does not affect how they do their daily jobs. Seventy-five percent of those over 30 that reported not getting enough sleep said that when they were tired that their sleepiness effected their daily work (Tarkan). For a school age kid ten hours of sleep is needed. Teenagers also need about nine to ten
One big problem with modern day technology, is that it is affecting our sleep. Most of us technophile teens are used to falling to sleep with TV’s light flickering a show to soothe us into sleep. Others might end the day by scrolling their social media’s news feed until their eyes begin to feel heavy. For example, a recent poll by the National Sleep Foundation found that 95% of people use some type of computer, video game, or cell phone at least a few nights a week within the hour before bed ( Unfortunately, those night time rituals are most likely messing with their sleep patterns. Neuroscientists presume the glowing lights emitted by TV, smartphone and laptop screens mess with your body's sleep-inducing hormones
The blue light from electronics, “pass through the retina into a part of the hypothalamus (the area of the brain that controls several sleep activities) and delay the release of the sleep-inducing hormone, melatonin” (WebMD). The light from the screens throws off the body’s natural sleep and wake system, also known as the circadian rhythm. The circadian rhythm tells the body when to release melatonin; the chemical that tells the body when to sleep, as well as serotonin; the chemical that tells the body when to wake up. The brain releases melatonin when the sun goes down to begin to prepare the body to go to sleep, blue light reverses the effects of melatonin and wakes the brain back up. Serotonin is released when the sun comes up to wake the brain up and make the body alert and ready for the day, if the person does not get enough sleep then the serotonin levels will be low and they will be less awake and alert. According to Harvard Health, when blue light begins to throw off the circadian rhythm, the risk for cancer begins to increase and the risk for obesity increases as well. However, blue light is beneficial during the day as it boosts energy and mood as well as alertness, at night blue light has the same affect, which is why it keeps the brain awake. Blue light is in many energy efficient lights, which stimulate the brain as
Today, most research done on technology’s effect on sleep has been focused on how technology makes sleeping more difficult. Technology can become a distraction and keep your brain active as a result of using it before going to sleep. The National Sleep Foundation even discovered through a poll that “nine of 10 Americans reported
In bedrooms today we have many gadgets, we have televisions, game counsels, tablets, and our phones. All of these thing affect how we sleep. Ninety-five percent of people use technology an hour before they go to bed (How technology affects sleep). Whether this is sending texts, emailing, playing games, or browsing through social media. In today 's society we find this as normal everyday routines. Studies show that we should abstain from using technology two hours before we are wanting to go to sleep (How Technology Affects Sleep). How does technology effect how we sleep? Our technology that we use daily gives off many colors of light. The color that is believed to disrupt our sleeping patterns is in particular the blue light. Blue light prevents the
According to the "Sleep Deprived Teens" article, teens that go to bed with their devices are twice as likely to be sleep deprived. 70% of kids and teens go to sleep with two or more devices in their room and almost half of them have phones. “Teenagers who used their computers in bed almost every night of the week were 2.5 times more likely to have a short sleep on weekdays than teens who didn’t use the devices,” says Dr Nathaniel
The amount of people that suffer sleep texting is growing up, Dr. Mike Howell say the half of his young patients that have slept problems the majority suffer sleep texting. Sleep in finite terms is you’re either fully awake or fully asleep, but is not that simple, it’s possible for the part of the brain that controls motor skills to wake up while the part of the brain that governs memory and judgment may remain sleeping. Hospital clinics of Minnesota, considers sleep talking an automatic response similar to the response of a mother when a baby cries, the baby don’t need to make too much noise for mom wake up, is the same for the sleep texting, a small sound of the cell phone can activate your brain for text back. The technology is more common in our daily life, only when you go out and walk you going to see people with cell phones everywhere, in our quotidian life, we manipulate more technology each day, inclusive in the market have cashiered with touch screen for charged yourself. This styles of machines are decreasing the works, thinks a moment, how many people that works in the cashiers going to be replaced with this machines in the future?. The artificial intelligence is will obsolete the human labor at an unforgiving pace. Two oxford researches analyse more of 700 different occupations to determine how many of them can be changed by the artificially intelligent and the results are very bad, around the 47% of the occupations can be replaced by artificial intelligence in a few
Generation Z is addicted to social media because it is the first thing they worry when they wake up. They pick up their phones to see what people posted in the morning, the afternoon, and the evening. Dr. Helen Driver, a somnologist (with means the study of sleep), explains, “The explosion of social media and people staying on devices for longer – and taking them to bed with them – is a huge problem”. Social media has effected Generation Z’s by sleep because the light is from the electronics which interferes with sleep. Not only does social media affect the quality of sleep but, the quantity of sleep too. The next morning, they only got a few hours of sleep and they do not feel well both physically and mentally. If someone has issues with turning off their electronic devices in the evening, then they should dim the lights or and turn the power off.