
Analysis Of The Beatles ' Moulin Rouge !

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Moulin Rouge! Analysis
All you need is love; love is all you need. These famous lyrics sung by The Beatles, is the central theme of the narrative and resonates throughout the film, “Moulin Rouge!” A romantic tragedy with a hint of Shakespearean forbidden love, Moulin Rouge is encapsulated from its tragic but touching romance by melodic and ambient singing. Baz Luhrmann, known for having vibrant cinematography and theatrical mise-en-scene, showcases his directing as shown by the choreography and art direction. The narrative structure of the film is a cinematic fairy tale romance as if the audience was reading a classic tale.

The film begins with a hauntingly beautiful voice sung by what seems to be the narrator (whom we later find out to be Toulouse-Lautrec).The skyline of Paris is silhouetted in a grainy type of sketch drawing, resembling the artwork of a children’s book. As the story progresses, we are pulled into this universe as we observe this fantasy. The voice conveys the pain of a writer, Christian, who we learn, has lost a lover, Satine. Christian is obviously in agony as he types away on his type-writer. “The greatest thing you 'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return,” he types. This statement commences the plot to fall into place and sets the theme of the narrative. Within the first few minutes, the tone of the film is already established. There is a sense of tragedy and heartbreak just from the melancholic score and dark lighting. The main

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