
Analysis Of The Book ' The Millionaire Miser '

Satisfactory Essays

The Millionaire Miser There was once a well off miser by the name of Sushil. However despite his riches he was still stingy to the point where he ate almost nothing and starved his family. One day on his daily walk through the town he saw a boy eating a rice dumpling. He craved the rice dumpling but he thought that if he asked his wife to make one for him she would want one. If she wanted one then the children would want one and then the servants would want one and soon enough the entire town would be eating away his fortune. His desire for the rice dumpling was so unbearable that he began to feel weak. Once his wife, Nirmala confronted him about it he told her that he would like her to make him a rice dumpling. Nirmala suggested that they were able to afford to make dumplings for the entire town, Sushil horrified told her to not so Nirmala suggested to just make dumplings for the family and servants. “Why would the servants need any?” Sushil responded. So Nirmala suggested to make dumplings for the family. “Why would the children want any?” Sushil questioned. So Nirmala suggested that she would make dumplings for just the two of them which Sushil asked “Why would you want any?” Nirmala gave up and made Sushil his one dumpling. Sakka the king of heaven watched the scenario unfold from his palace. He decided that he would be the one to teach Sushil a lesson. The next day he make himself look like Sushil while he was on his morning walk. Sakka went to Sushil’s house and

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