
Analysis Of The Movie Likewis

Decent Essays

Q1. Describe Dennis’s health as an adult living in London. Use an example to support your answer.

The physical aspect of Dennis’s health is extremely poor, his cardiovascular health capability is shown to be very weak and this can be seen in numerous scenes but, particularly the scene where he is a chasing a shoplifter, he is extremely tired and cannot run for more than 30 seconds without having trouble breathing and sweating profusely. Dennis has some major issues interfering with his physical health e.g his smoking habit, alcohol abuse and bad diet. All these bad habits has lead him to have poor physical health, this can also be seen by his weight in the movie

Mentally, Dennis is not in health either. He struggles with anxiety and sadness, maybe even depression. Dennis does not have very good coping skills, he falls back into bad habits when things get hard and he does not know how to deal with stressful or bad situations. An example of this is when he finds out Libby and Whit are engaged, Dennis is shown in the next scene to resort back to drinking, smoking and moping about. This a time when him having healthy coping skills would be valuable to his mental health. …show more content…

He cannot seem to regulate his emotions either, experiencing fits of rage and often feeling extremely sad. Along with the sadness comes loneliness and that can be contributed to the social aspect of his health. He does not surround himself with positive people, rather, people who abuse alcohol and gamble recklessly; even gambling at Dennis’s expense. Betting on Dennis’s predicted failure at completing the marathon really captures how they view him and value his

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