
Analysis Of The Perks Of Being A Wallflower

Decent Essays

In the English 110 class, we performed many tasks that are required to do in the class. The class also required us to read a book which was titled, The Perks of Being A Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky. Reading the book was to help us write an essay about the book. We wrote many essays in the class also each essay was a different type of essay. In total in the class we wrote 4 essays on different subjects and with different methods of writing of the essay. Three of the four essay I selected because it showed the seven different outcomes that are for writing. The seven outcomes are process, revision, critical reading, rhetorical analysis and argumentation. Then the others are researching, quoting, paraphrasing, and documenting sources plus …show more content…

Revision part of the outcome is that I write out all my essays for the class then revision of my essays at the end. The one essay that I revision was the concept essay because I wrote it out first for rough draft then I look through and look for any little items in my essay that I can change. Then we also did some peer editing in class with some classmates that also contribute to the revision of the concept essay.
The other outcome for the essays is rhetorical analysis and argumentations which states that you are writing an essay for a specific audience. The essay that demonstrates the essay is written for a specific audience is the essay on the book that read for essay. The essay that the outcome connects to is titled “Is Perks Fine”, that we need to write to an audience. The audience for the essay on the book was needed to written to a school board about letting or not letting the book allowed to be use for a high school class. So, using a good tone for the essay was a key aspect for the essay. Using a professional tone for essay will connect to the type of audience you are writing to in the essay. The outcome that are showed in my essays is researching, quoting, paraphrasing, and documenting sources. The researching part of the outcome can go with the essay that was written for the book The Perks of Being A Wallflower I need to researching facts and statistics

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