
Google Hr Strategy Essay

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Analysis of
Google HR strategy For more information please contact


“Our employees, who call themselves Googlers, are everything. We hope to recruit many more in the future. W e will reward and treat them well.”
L arry Page and Sergey Brin, Founders of Google

1 . Introduction
M anaging

h uman

r esources


h as

b ecome



organizations w ithin t he m odern and f ast‐ paced b usiness environment
( Caldwell, Chatman, & O'Reilly , 1990 ) .

H uman Resources specialists are

m ore important in business strategies today w here m arket is dynamic and c hangeable .

1 .1.

O bjectives of the study

T o analyze HRM technique and methods
T o analyze …show more content…

Ouchi studied three different company‟s culture and saw that the


d ifferen ces between those explained a part of the company‟s success.
D epending on his theory it seems that Google Inc. is the type Z US firms.
F ig 1 Ouchi‟s framework

T ype J (Japanese

T ype A (typical

T ype Z (credite d

c haracteristics

m odel)

American model

American model)

Commitment to

L ife contract

S hort term contract

L ong term contract

E valuation

S low and qualitative

F ast and quantitative

S low and qualitative


L arge and not based

V ery narrowed and

Moderat ely based on

on specialty

s pecialty based

s pecialty


I mplicit and informal

E xplicit and formal

I mplicit and informal

Decision making

G rouped and

I ndividual

G rouped and

e mployees

c onsensual

c onsensual



I ndividual

I ndividual

Concern for people

Holistic (fi rm and

Narrowed (individual

G lobal (individual at

f amily)

t asks)


S ource: S iehl, C. & Ma rtin, J. (1998), Measuring Organizational Culture

O uchi argues that the culture of the Type Z firms helps those to outperform t ypical American firms. The main reason it that firms like Google systematically i nvests in their people an d operations over the long run and so obtain stead y and significant improvemen ts in the long - term performance.
G oogle tries to retain its employees and evaluate them in a quantitative but also q ualitative manner.

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