
Analysis of Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction, and Its Influence on Customer Loyalty.

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(Passengers Survey of Domestic Full Service Airlines Company “Garuda Indonesia” in Indonesia)

Mohamad Rizan
Management Department of Economics Faculty, State University of Jakarta, Indonesia ABSTRACT

The aims of research are : 1) Analyzing service quality, customer satisfaction and loyalty of full service airlines company (Garuda Indonesia) in Indonesia, and 2) Testing hypothesis on the influence service quality and customer satisfaction on customer loyalty of full service airlines company in Indonesia. Unit of observation are 160 passengers of ten profitable domestic routes of full service airlines company …show more content…

Companies are required to satisfy the customer by providing appropriate services and value-added for customers. A strong commitment to quality service and customer-oriented is a major prerequisite in supporting business success. Implementation of the upcoming open-sky policy, all international airlines that had allowed only airlines serving the route point to point in Indonesia, such as; Lufhansa, Cathay Pacific and Singapore Airlines will be able to freely serve the domestic flight routes directly to become a threat that must be anticipated by the national airline industry in Indonesia through the creation of competitive advantage. International airlines have a good competitive advantage and very concerned about the quality of service and customer satisfaction and supported by various recent fleet average age of no more than 7 years. Form a highly preferred service is the ease of check-in, comfortable waiting room arrival and departure, transfer, seat cabin, cabin cleaning, supply dipesawat food, entertainment and services in the aircraft cabin (Angkasa no.8, XIII in May 2003, p. 30-32). Quality of services provided is the most important parameters in determining the ranking of the Reputation Quotient (RQ) and will affect the competitiveness of each airline in the implementation era of open-sky policy.

Table 1. Reputation Quotient (RQ) of

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