HARDBALL Sabrina Ayoob American Government Mr. Wootten August 16, 2014
Chapter 1: " It's not who you know; It's who you get to know"
It is important for a politician to meet many other politicians and make allies and friends. President Lyndon Johnson was used this and got to know every politician face to face by taking multiple showers each day and brushing his teeth various times a day again and again just so he would be presentable when getting closer to others. He believed the personal connections he made would help him capture their attentions which would benefit him overall as he rose to the top in government positions. Lyndon's strategy was called retail politics, which later inspired author Chris Matthew as he used
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It is impertinent to know who will be there to back you up and support you, and always have your back. No one will want a traitor as their alliance, that is why reputation plays a big roll in relationships. Even though personality can influence a persons opinion about you, politicians cannot win over votes based solely on good personalities, and that is when good reputations takes its place. Betrayal will ruin one's reputation, and you should always know who to trust.
Explain: President Ronald Reagan had a good reputation from remaining loyal to his audience. He stayed compassionate to his supporters during down times to let them know everything would be okay. He was successful in capturing people's hearts and earning trust, but a scandal broke off when he was involved with the Iranian arms affair. He got caught dancing with Ayatollah Khomeini, meaning he turned his back against his original group and became a traitor. Such betrayal destroyed everything Reagan worked to build up his good
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That is why it is important to act like one during campaign, and lowering your standard can help becoming a victor. Admitting your own problem can help you use it against your opponent too, and such technique is called spin. Spin is similar to lighting a lantern for your problems and admitting you need help proves that you are aware of your strength and weakness. Of you do not do so, people will accuse you of hiding something. You can take control by admitting credibility and establish the stories you want by solving problem as low key as you can. Telling your accusers they're right and explain what they're right about is the purpose of the spin.
Explain: President Nixon was accused of illegal trust, and he knew he was being put on spot. Under such pressure, he was able to turn everything around by admitting his problem. He volunteered to list all his financial matter to prove that he is not afraid to clearly list all his income and spending. He also used this attack back at his enemies by saying how others politicians should follow his example and be honest with the public. By admitting his accuser is right, he earned back respect from people and also used it against his opponent.
Chapter 12 " The Press is the
For example, Matthews tells the story of Lyndon B. Johnson who would go to extreme lengths to try and meet with other politicians. Johnson would shower and brush his teeth multiple times a day just so that he could have the chance to be in the same room with a bunch of them. There, he would seize his chance to speak to them briefly and try to make connections as well.
Moreover this, he deviates the public’s attention with a convoluted wordplay in order to blur the main issue by putting aside the legal aspects against him and focusing on morale, which is more bendable and corruptible in comparison, because unlike the law, morality can easily be reshaped to our convenience. Despite this, Nixon’s argument is fairly persuasive due to the contrasting nature of his rhetoric with habitual instances where political figures would rather not mention, let alone discuss their misdoing. Furthermore, the speech is very swaying of the audience’s opinion. As he first directly states “that it was wrong” to take the money, the audience’s willingness to listen increases because he seems to be having a moment of honesty and humility. However, a couple lines through he quickly flips the audience's perception of wrong to a conditioned “morally wrong” by expressing what he believes would make his actions inherently wrong, including whether the money had been intended toward his personal use. He then asserts that the money never “went to [him] for personal use” now neglecting what he had acknowledged explicitly in the beginning. It resulted to be convincing, as he had previously yielded an occasion of apparent honesty and self
In the year 1980, there was a lot of inflation and unemployment as well as the issue in Iran where extremist Muslims took more than fifty Americans as captives. As a result, the picture portrayed Jimmy Carter as an insecure candidate for president. Ronald Reagan, on the other hand, encouraged the American people to have hope and that our nation was a set example for others. He easily defeated Carter with a whopping 44 million votes and 489 electoral votes to 35.5 million votes and 44 electoral votes. His election to the presidency seemed to be a fresh new start for the U.S.; Reagan invigorated the national defense, cut taxes, and impede the expansion of the government. During his first term, there was the development of weapons and the military in the nation as well as the continuation of the Cold War. In Ronald Reagan’s second term, he created an accord with Mikhail Gorbachev, the head of the USSR. Both nations signed a compromise to eradicate intermediate-range nuclear missiles in 1987 and then the tearing of the Berlin Wall was encouraged.
Thesis Statement: Ronald Reagan’s presidency was one of the most successful in United States history because he revitalized the failing economy, used his remarkable communication skills to reestablish America’s lost morale, and even played a vital role in ending the Cold War.
Ronald Reagan had a lasting positive impact on the United States that is, in some ways, still affecting us today. Up to the very end of his life, Ronald Reagan proudly served his country and the Lord.
During the election of 1980 most Americans eyes were fixed on two presidents. Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan. Most Americans hearts were fixed on one issue. The Iranian hostage crisis. Jimmy Carter, the current president, had tried without success to end the crisis diplomatically. Ronald Reagan, an actor turned politician, had very little experience in a political position. Carter was not fit to handle the current crisis. His attempts to free the hostages had gone poorly both diplomatically and through use of force. Ronald Reagan was not very well known as a politician, he was known as an actor and many people believed that he would just act in office instead of being the
Ronald Wilson Reagan, the 40th president of the United States of America was best known for his acting career before entering the political arena. Reagan’s great public speaking skills, wonderful sense of humor, and little to no experience in politics landed him the highest position in government in the United States of America. He was empowered by his supporter and doubted by skeptics like any ordinary president. Through it all, history and facts regard him as one of the most effective and accomplished Presidents of all times. As a matter of fact, leaving office in 1989, Reagan held a high approval rating leaving him, as one of the highest rated departed presidents in modern time. Unarguably, based on results, Reagan provided equal opportunities
As stated in an article from Newsmakers, Ronald Reagan was known as “the Great Communicator” because he was able to clearly speak to the public due to his unusual experiences before presidency (Newsmakers). Every president of the United States has a unique story, but Reagan possessed many remarkable characteristics. Today, many people recognize Reagan as a former president, but few know about the struggles he faced and his success before presidency; his political party transition, handling economic fluctuation, and his attitude throughout his terms in office made him an unforgettable political figure.
Americans view the president as the highest member of society and Reagan was no exception. He was a poster child of class and the American values of the time. “The president and Mrs. Reagan pose [sic] in the Red Room of the White House before attending a series of nine inaugural balls in a dinner jacket (Cohen 83).” His elite parties and classy suits exemplified the values in the core American values of the time. The presidency gave him a pass from many of the terrors that kept Americans now up at night. Although, this did not excuse him from having personal enemies who would favor his demise. Only sixty-nine days after Reagan took office a would-be assassin shot him, but quickly recovered and returned to duty (Freidel). His near-death experience gave him new strength and a new will to uphold and protect the values of America.
Ronald Reagan is to this date the oldest serving president, and the effects of his presidency have affected not only the United States of America but most of the world as well. The consensus among historians is that Ronald Reagan left a lasting legacy that was a great one in numerous ways. His Reaganomics improved America’s economy greatly, and secured its future economic prosperity. He also fought communism head on and was able to end it in most parts of the world, but more importantly in Soviet Russia. However, in doing so he got wrapped up in the Iran-Contra Affair, which will forever be tied to his name in a negative regard. Within America, Reagan was able to improve society such as his success in curbing the use of illegal drugs.
The statement above is just one example on how honest of a governor Reagan was. The heroic trait Ronald Reagan possessed was his ability to overcome adversity. The first challenge Reagan had to overcome was a major financial crisis, similar to what we have today. Peter Hannaford point out how Reagan overcame the financial crisis which puzzled many experts at the time. He used all of
Ronald Reagan, the fortieth president of the United States of America, was arguably the best president the United States has ever had. Raised in rural Illinois, Reagan grew up as country boy, and kept his ideals and faith through his presidency. Reagan never faltered when he dealt with communism, dealt with a slipping economy, or in any other foreign affairs. His strong convictions led him to being one of the greatest presidents in the history of the United States. (Thomas, 22)
Richard Nixon, though created a large credibility gap within the US, he accomplished a lot for the country. He served five years in the presidential office as a republican (1969-1974), and he was the only president to resign from office in history. Although through his presidency he had accomplished many things, such as creating revenue sharing, ending the draft, and creating anticrime laws, he still had a rough time rebuilding his reputation after many assumptions of corruption in his office. Though he never admittedly pledged guilty to his crimes of taking government funds for his own personal gain, there was proof that he was. After the Watergate scandal, the American people set their mind to believe what the proof led to, so Nixon’s
Ronald Reagan is the best republican president of all time. His form of trickle down “reaganomics” stimulated the us economy by cutting taxes and decreasing unemployment. He also was not shy about
Furthermore, there is the politician that is known to be a person that connects with people. A politician either plays the game or interacts with people. A few factors