
Antibiotic Investigation

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The graph I have created is a line graph. I included the four types of antibiotics we tested.
Control, which is a blank template and has no medicine on it, but acted example of no effectiveness, penicillin, streptomycin, and tetracycline. The zone of inhabitation is a circular shape around the circle pad of antibiotic that represents the effectiveness of an antibiotic at a given dosage. It is measured in millimeters and included the diameter of the disk of antibiotic. We determine the effectiveness of it by putting the different measurements in three different categories. The categories are resistant, intermediate, and susceptible. Resistant means that the antibiotic was not effective, intermediate means it was slightly effective, and susceptible …show more content…

coli, and the other was for s. epi. We covered the inside of each petri dish (that had a jelly base) with the bacteria it was designated for. After that, we split both dishes into four sections. In the middle of each section we would put an antibiotic disc. After all four of the antibiotics were placed in each dish with tweezers, they were incubated overnight. The next day, we measured the zone of inhabitance around each antibiotic disc. I had two statements in my hypothesis. If S. epi is gram-positive, then penicillin, streptomycin, and tetracycline will be effective on it because each one reacts with gram-positive bacteria. If E. coli is gram-negative, then streptomycin and tetracycline will be effective on it because each one reacts with gram positive bacteria. I reject the first statement in my hypothesis because only one of the antibiotics was susceptible on s. epi, while the others were resistant. I accept my second hypothesis because both streptomycin and tetracycline were susceptible on the e. coli bacteria. We can relate this experiment to the outside world by testing the effectiveness of antibiotics on certain diseases and infections. This important for the care and treatment of people so they can continue living their lives. If I or a friend every needed to know the effectiveness of a antibiotic against a bacteria I can look up labs similar to this one to make sure we are taking the right

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