
Antibiotic Resistance Is A Growing Problem

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Antibiotic resistance is a growing problem that must be addressed on a clinical, economical, and research level. According to the antimicrobial resistance AMR, by 2050 “10 million more people would be expected to die every year than would be the case if resistance was kept to today’s level”. Due to over exposure do antibiotics bacterial pathogens have developed both defenses and offenses against antibiotics. These mechanisms provide bacteria to survive antibiotic level that human bodies cannot tolerate. In order to combat this problem two main avenues exist. The first option is big pharmaceutical companies and startup biotechnology companies, backed by venture capitalism, can develop new antibiotics. This process however is not profitable …show more content…

Then second, one must test new developed antimicrobials for application on surfaces and working to develop treatments plans that allow physicians to utilize anticipates to their fullest.
My initial research project and first research project began in June of 2016 which looks at how to improve the lives of cystic fibrous (CF) patients and discover novel resistant mechanisms by better understanding the resistance profiles of Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteria within CF lungs. This investigation began with building antibiotic resistance profiles, both phenotypically and genetically, for each of the 52 strains in the clinical library in the Lutter Lab. I began by cataloging 750+ strains of bacteria that had been isolated for CF patient sputa. I then pulled out all of the 52 P. aeruginosa strains and preform disc diffusion assays (Kirby Bauer Test) on a variety of clinically relative antibiotics. These tests gave me the basic antibiotic resistant profiles for the strains. I then preform PCR testing for the presence of eight prominent antibiotic resistance genes that could be responsible for the resistance. Once the genetic profile was complete I looked the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of the antibiotic tested. This allowed me to determine the severity of resistance, which allows postulation on time of resistance acquisition and type of resistance mechanism. The final test preform was a qualitative mucous producing test. By streaking all of the

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