
Antibiotics Effects On Growth Rate Of Bacteria Escherichia Coli And Bacillus Subtilis

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Antibiotics Effect on Growth Rate
Antibiotics are important for the treatment of bacterial infections, and it is therefore important to know how different antibiotic works in different contexts. Different kinds of bacteria are affected to different degrees by different antibiotics, and it may therefore be useful to know which antibiotic that attacks the bacteria. The purpose of this report is to analyze how antibiotics including Chloramphenicol and Ampicillin affect the growth rate of bacteria Escherichia coli and Bacillus subtilis. Which antibiotic is the most effective or least effective in inhibiting the growth rate of these two bacteria respectively?
In the article Growth Chart (, 2015-11-19) it was written that bacteria are unicellular organisms that are in good nutrient availability can multiply indefinitely by dividing. It takes different amounts of time for different bacteria that doubled - this time called the generation time. When adding bacteria to a culture medium, it takes only a moment before they have adapted to their new environment.
MicrobeWiki writes in his report Bacillus subtitles (, 2016-05-10) that B. subtitles are gram-positive bacteria, facultative anaerobic bacteria which are classified as non-pathogenic. It occurs all over the place, for example in air, compost and soil, but can also be on the skin and in the human intestine, although it is not as common. Escherichia coli are gram negative, facultative

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