
Apple Analysis

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Apple Business Analysis
As a mutual fund manager, the decision to invest or not to invest in a company is one that entails thorough research of a company’s assets, business practices, and their way ahead. As a mutual fund investor, I want to invest in a businesses with high return on investments and businesses that need collateral but will not hinder my business. I will conduct a detailed analysis of their brand, stakeholders, customers, products, business ownership, and a SWOT analysis.
Background Information
Apple was founded by Steven Jobs, Stephen Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne in 1976, they launched their first computer in 1977 in which they earned over $100 million by 1980. In 1984, Apple introduced the Macintosh, the first personal …show more content…

Both sides of their competition offer more affordable products and many times pick up the slack where Apple failed at. An example of this is the Google TV and the Android by Motorola. Also, many companies have latched out to businesses and become their primary source of equipment, however because Apple products are not compatible with Microsoft office, it prevents them from successfully entering this market.
The company’s internal and external stakeholders
According to the U.S. Department of Interior, a stakeholder is any individual or group that has an interest in a decision or actions of the company. The stakeholders can have authority or decision-making power, affected by the decisions, and is a part of the implementation process.
The internal stakeholders are the employees and the company’s owners. When Steve Jobs resigned, Tim Cook became the new CEO of Apple. As the CEO you are responsible for making sound decisions that do not hurt your company and its employees. In conjunction with the CEO, the managers, researchers, developers, partners, and all other employees are internal stakeholders as well. The employee’s needs are that they have good working conditions and reasonable benefits package to keep them employed. With the success of Apple over the last few years, it is safe to say that Apple as a company is meeting the needs of their personnel.
The external stakeholders are the customers,

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