
Application Of Mobile Technology For Talent Management

Decent Essays

APPLICATION OF MOBILE TECHNOLOGY FOR TALENT MANAGEMENT Dr. A. Shameem Professor, AMET Business School, AMET University & R. Divyaranjani Assistant Professor, AMET Business School, AMET University Today recruitment of talent is seen as one function of HR which has undergone drastic changes on account of technology advances. The fast growth of mobile-based recruiting has compelled organisations to have a thorough reorientation of their approach in attracting and retaining talent. The emergence of social media offers many new approaches to reach and appeal to prospective talent. Mobile technology revolution is taking place even in India at a rapid pace. It is vital to remember while facing these challenges that mobile …show more content…

With the fairly recent and wide adoption of social media and networking sites, mobile devices have become more affordable and hence more readily accessible. And it is expected that mobile computing will continue to grow in 2012, owing to an increase in the number of devices in use, lower prices in emerging markets, and an explosion of apps for both personal and business use. Mobile devices are therefore changing the way organizations manage their talent. With the exception of mobile learning solutions which have exploded in the past few years, few vendors have yet to develop complete mobile talent management applications. Software providers however are beginning to design their talent applications with mobile capabilities. Need for the Study The need for mobile connectivity is particularly high in the realm of human resources (HR). Recruiters need to know which highly qualified candidates are in their talent pool; supervisors need to quickly access information about the employees they manage in various geographical locations; and employees travelling for business need to be able to easily manage their learning activities on the fly. Thus it is important to understand how can organizations use a mobile talent management solution and still be able to capture and analyse critical workforce data

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