
Applied HCI Principles And Jakob Nielson's Sixth Heuristic

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Applied HCI Principles and Jakob Neilson’s 6th Heuristic The Jakob Nielson’s 6th heuristic states that make objects, actions, and options visible. The user should not have to remember information from one part of the dialogue to another. Instructions for use of the system should be visible or easily retrievable whenever appropriate (Nielsen, J. 1995). The Jakob Nielson’s 6th heuristic, recognition rather than recall, lessens the user's memory load by creating objects, actions, and options visible. With the incorporation of the Jakob Nielson’s 6th heuristic rule, the user would not have to remember information from a part of the dialogue to the other. Instructional commands for use of a system should be visible or effortlessly retrievable whenever …show more content…

The Apple Health app gives you an easy-to-read dashboard of your health and fitness data. In addition, with HealthKit, users can make all the unbelievable health and fitness apps on your device work together, and work harder, for the user. Thus app contains a plethora of information such as body measurements and vitals which can be saved to a day, weekly, monthly, and yearly report. The graphic user interface (GUI) is With the HealthKit, users can create their apps even more valuable by allowing them to access your health data. Users can choose what information they want to share. An example of sharing your information can permitting the data from your blood pressure app to be automatically shared with your primary care manager (PCM). Also, you can allow your nutrition app to communicate your fitness apps on how many calories you consume each day. The Apple Health app is in compliance with the Jakob Nielson’s 6th heuristics of recognition rather than recall. The recognition of the icons is easily understood and the user does not have to figure out what each one means. The Apple Health app is user friendly and navigating through the apple is as simple as touching the screen icon for further …show more content…

This educational website offers Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), Javascript, Structured Query Language (SQL), and tutorials for these subjects for the beginner as well as the experience. The website is organized by each course and offers interaction step by step labs to complete in order to move forward to the next chapter of the course. The left side of the web site provides an outline for each of the course from the introduction to the quiz, and reference for each subject. The W3schools website provides an explanation, demonstration, and application of each subject in order for the users to thoroughly comprehend and grasp the materials. The middle of the web site provides an explanation and example of each subject. After this, it provides the user with a green block with white letters stating “Try it yourself.” This is where the user applies interacts with the web site to conduct a hands on training. While conducting the labs on the W3schools website, users can check their work to find their mistakes in order to make corrections. How does the W3schools website provide this feedback? It shows the user where their mistakes are by the highlighted areas in their answers. Then, the user can make the necessary corrections to move forward to the next lab exercise. Then, the user can make the necessary corrections to be

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