According to the U.S bureau of labor statistics (BLS) nursing is in such high demand job. People are living longer, but sicker, so the need of greater nursing care is the solution. Plus, there are 100 types of nurses that needed for specific conditions and illnesses. So pretty much we have a lot of options in becoming a nurse. Although, there is plenty of room for more nurses worldwide, the market isn’t competitive. Because the nature of the job, hospitals and employers are typically selective in hiring new graduates. Getting a licensed in Vocational Nursing takes longer than a Certificate in Nursing Aide, but students have more extensive education, the job lookout are expected to be rise greater, and it provides variety of places to where
I became a mother at a very young age, seventeen years old. When I was in labor at the hospital, I experienced the nursing care of two very distinct nurses. I quickly became aware of the demeanor of the night nurse. She was unkind, pushy, and insensitive. She also did not explain things and did not smile much. On the other hand, the day nurse was merrier, compassionate, caring, informative, and reassuring. Despite my juvenile state, my comprehension was very astute. I comprehended that there are two types of nurses. One who solely works to attain a paycheck and the nurse who chose the nursing profession because they value humanity. Simultaneously, I was becoming a mother and discovering what my profession would be thanks to the caring day nurse who was a role model.
The medical world is about to entire unfamiliar territory in the very near future. The first Baby Boomer hit retirement age in 2011. Progressively, the medical world will be flooded with the largest aging population in history. The issue isn’t the number of those in need but the number of those available to meet that need. The graduate nurses are finding that each country has their own minimum standard in order to work. The United States is one of the few that has yet to mandate BSN as the minimum. In order to keep pace with the rest of the world, nursing schools are initiating the RN to BSN push.
A Nurse Practitioner is a registered nurse that has additional education and training in diagnosing and treating illnesses in specialty areas such as family, geriatric, neonate, or pediatrics. Nurse Practitioners prescribe medication, which usually RN’s cannot do, as well as treat illnesses and administer physical exams. Nurse practitioners have a master's degree or doctorate in nursing and board certification in their specialty. A pediatric NP has higher education, skills, and training in caring for infants, children, and teens than an RN. As licensed nurse practitioners, NPs follow the policy and regulations of the Nurse Practice Act of the state in which they work. As health care shifts away from the traditional hospital setting to within
It is fairly common knowledge among people in education and especially the medical field that nursing is a massively growing profession. This fact is seen on the New York State Education Department Office of Professions website where there is data that shows the increase of licenses distributed by the state from 2010-2014. While it is known that there are higher numbers of people flocking to nursing as a profession, it is not always clear why people are beginning to choose this path. From what I can think, changes in the national and state economies, changing gender roles in the profession, and a changing need for types of nurses could be reasons for the changes in data.
I was regularly identified and characterized by my teachers as an introverted child growing up. Each year, I had to designate my future career aspirations, and every year until the end of my high school career, I wrote down “MD.” This may have stemmed from the fact that, in my culture, growing up as a child of an immigrant generation, education was the primary emphasis. Having minimal access to delve into possible career options, I assumed that the MD route was the only way to become a health care provider. My parents probably pondered how a quiet, soft spoken child like me would want to become a doctor. My journey did not take me in the track to become a medical doctor, but I am confident that this path is in fact a true blessing in my life. As I prepare to begin the FNP graduate nursing program, I am delighted to announce to my family and friends that I am finally on the road to becoming a primary health care provider.
Another thing that draws me towards the career is the flexibility. A nurse is able to obtain a job in almost any state as long as they get the correct license for the state. Also, they are able to work in many different settings. A nurse can work in an office setting where the hours are set and they work a normal eight to five job. They are also able to work in a hospital setting, the hours differ when working at a hospital and some are required to work weekends and holidays. The physical demands for both setting would be different. Hospital settings would require lots of walking from room to room as well as running in certain emergency settings. In either setting though a nurse is required to be on their feet for long periods of time. It is not a job to where you would be stuck behind a desk.
As a native Mainer, I have adopted the mentality that all things worthwhile require hard work. Growing up on the rocky, briny coast taught that lobster shells must be cracked, fiddleheads must be plucked from their bristly nest in the cold spring earth, and blueberries are easier picked when you are young and closer to the ground. Maine is a difficult state, but not without rewards. Becoming a Nurse Practitioner through USM's options program will also prove challenging and intense, with the lifelong reward of a career that has meaning and value to me.
After persuing your career as a Registered Nurse, dramatic changes will be very noticable in your life. You will find yourself doing things you'd never thought you'd do, and also seeing a variety of things you never imagined seeing. Being in the career path as such, can bring on a healthier, yet less stressful lifestyle. Becoming a Registered Nurse would be a life changer. Some ways becoming a Registered Nurse would impact my life are the good pay and benfits, having the ability to save others lives, and also being able to motivate younger kids and teenagers to persue their dream in becoming a RN.
A day in the life as a CNA (Certified Nurse Aide) can have its ups and its downs. As a CNA you can work in a couple different areas of the nursing field, you have options of where you want to be and you are not finite to any certain place. Most CNA’s start out working in a nursing home then exude to other places such as hospitals. As a nurse aide you have many options of being in a certain field of nursing. That is what I love about nursing; it is versatile and you can work wherever you want in the country. You can travel and see places you haven’t seen while doing what you love to do as a career.
Are you interested in being a Registered Nurse? To become a Registered Nurse also known as RN it requires education, skills, and interest. For instance, an RN must be able to detect changes in symptoms, health, or pain. Furthermore, a Registered Nurse should have critical thinking skills, communication skills, and organization skills. Anyways, three colleges in San Diego are San Diego State University, School of Nursing, and San Diego City college. An RN that is more experienced has the potential for raises or promotions than a new RN. Every RN is paid differently based on their experience/education. Therefore, RN's handle plenty of tasks and the majority of the registered nurses have a different education so each gets paid different amounts.
The institution that I have decided to attend is the University of Central Florida. The main reason why I chose this school was because it will help me save money and I won’t need to travel anywhere to get my degree. Another big reason as to why I chose this school is because they have many great programs that will help me be better prepared when I begin my career such as their Modeling, Stimulation, and Training Epicenter which is used to prepare nursing students with different types of scenarios that they might face while working and also helps them work hands on rather than watching someone else do the job. UCF was also a good choice because their Medical Mission trips could help me and other nursing students travel to other places in the
As of 2008, there were about 753,600 Licensed Practical Nurses and 2,618,700 Registered Nurses in the United States (U.S. Department of Labor, 2010-11). In the year 2018, the LPN employment percentage is expected to rise 21% while the RN rate should be approximately 22% (U.S. Department of Labor, 2010-11). This may not seem that high, but it is, when one considers that the expected employment rate for a Dentist is only expected to be 16% (U.S Department of Labor, 2010-11). Nursing is a highly respected and sought after career because every person that enters this profession is able to make a difference and is needed by the general population for his/her skills and contributions to the medical field. When a person is contemplating entering
We live in a world where the human race seems to be disconnected. Nowadays it feels that there are not enough people helping each other. I don’t treat life like a competition I look at it and I ask myself how may I help? What may I do to make this world a more suitable place for all to live a comfortable and peaceful life? I yearn to come forward and fulfill my role and contribute to our society in any way possible. Nursing is my calling for helping others. It sounds cliché, this I know, but it’s what I desire and what I decided to do with my body, mind, and soul.
Historically, the nursing field is one that has consistent positive job outlooks, as there is typically a continued shortage. Healthcare is the backbone of most communities, not just for its services, but also for the jobs it provides and the economy stimulation. Jill Bernstein, author for “Changes in Health Care Financing and Organization” states, “The health care industry is a critical component of the national, and most regional and local economies of the United States” (4). The nursing field has suffered challenges due to the economic, social, and the political downturn of the U.S. Nevertheless, there is still some noticeable growth taking place and opportunities available. This shows encouraging signs for new nursing graduates.
Nursing is a practice in which nurses promote health and the well-being of patients. I believe that nursing is not only a job that prevents and cures illness, but has a deeper meaning and understanding. Becoming a nurse gives the opportunity to maximize and promote patients’ well-being. It is a way to learn and understand new perspectives and expand prior knowledge, to build relationships with patients, community, and other nurses, in addition to learning how to empathize and realize the patient’s needs, and to value and see people as human beings. I think even with the list given is not enough to define or explain a nurse. I believe being a nurse is a diverse and immeasurable experience, and what happens in this field is unknowing and uncertain. My goal in nursing practices is to take in life experiences and use the skills and ideas learned to shape me to become a better nurse and a better person.