
Argumentative Essay On Electric Cars

Decent Essays

Electric cars produce less CO2 emissions than any other vehicle. Gas cars produces 6 metric tons of CO2 a year. In the last couple years people have heard a lot about Global Warming. Global Warming occurs because people produce more carbon that the Earth can dissolve, which mostly comes from fossil fuel burning objects. Electric cars could be a solution to the global crisis. People of the world should start driving EV's because people love them because they are fun to drive, they save money, and they produce less carbon. People love electric cars because they are so much fun to drive. Climate Deal Is Signal for Industry to Go Green say,"People love electric vehicles when they try them...” (Krauss and Bradsher). People don’t understand that …show more content…

Car Emissions: A Buyer’s Guide To Going Green states that, “Battery electric cars -- those that run solely on electricity -- are the cleanest and least expensive to operate” (Hirsch). Since an electric car has less moving parts than a conventional car, there is less wear and tear on the engines. Customers don’t have to worry about gas charges, engine oil, and engine parts. “...Electric and hybrid vehicles exceeded $600 billion last year, nearly equivalent to the United States defense budget" says the article “Climate Deal Is Signal for Industry to Go Green.”(Krauss and Bradsher). The surge for electric cars is coming and coming fast with groundbreaking technology and their aerodynamic designs. "Advocates think that because the vehicles store energy in their batteries, they could one day play a useful role in smoothing out the surges in the grid caused by the increased use of wind and solar energy, which provide electricity only when the sun shines or the wind blows. But those clean-electricity sources will need to grow simultaneously for the climate impact to be positive." (Birnbaum). Electric cars get even greener, because, they depend on solely electric power people can power their car by hydroelectric power, wind power, solar power, and etc. Electricity is renewable therefore people can produce it themselves thus making a cleaner and more efficient change to help out the

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