
Art Makert Report

Decent Essays

Art market is a very interesting topic nowadays that has cost a countless articles from scholars. Along with the development of the society, art market has also become a subject that is concerned by all of the audiences from around the world. By reading the analysis from representative of art market researchers such as Manfred Steger, Clare McAndrew, and Malcolm Bull, people will have more ideas about the definition of globalization as “a contested concept” also the relationship between global and local in the art market. Besides that, the understanding about the current art market will be increased through the Art Makert Report so that audiences can expand the knowledge about distinctions between commercial galleries, auction houses and fairs; …show more content…

However, she points out immediately the 9/11 attacks done by Osama bin Laden and his groups as an example for how a fanatical religious group, which live somewhere in a mountain cave of Middle East, are able to apprehend complicated globalization status at that time. Author continues to deconstruct detailed elements in the video tape of Osama bin Laden from his dress, his gun, even to his hair in order to prove the relationship between global and local. “There can be no doubt that it was the existence of this chain of global interconnections that made possible the instant broadcast of bin Laden's speech to a global audience” she stated. In addition, she also explained globalization has become one of the defining buzzwords of our time a term that describes a variety of accelerating economic, political, cultural, ideological, and environmental processes that are rapidly altering our experience of the world. The relationship between the global and local, in an increasingly mediated world, local issues can have worldwide diversity in which in my own perspective affect so much with globalization. While other researcher are more focus on economic globalization, Steger acknowledges that the process is broken down into other key components as stated above, including historical, political, cultural, ecological, and ideological aspects – while keeping in mind it’s …show more content…

Also they clearly make a clear point on describes a variety of accelerating economic, political, cultural, ideological, and environmental processes that are rapidly altering our experience of the world. The next one is local and global art market by Clair McAndrew to summarize this topic the subject basically focus on current art market that is really good to know to inform us with what we have today. Art Market is an industry that we all playing with, having knowledge to this will help us know where to focus and where to stand. It is a really nice that by this essay we are leading our self where to focus I am speaking in behalf all the art majors. Last but the not the least is the two economies by Malcom Bull in this essay it was clearly stated the difference between the two economies. In summarize form the modern and classic art, modern more speaks about photography, videography and social media in which is really making a space in art market and industry meanwhile the classic art is more like painting, sculpture and etc., that I would say more like old school but for my own opinion this describes the real

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