
Autism And Its Effects On Children

Decent Essays

How many of you have brothers, sisters, cousins, friends, or anyone that you know has autism or that have been diagnosed with autism? Many people have this throughout the world, but some people don’t know what they can do about autism because the question is what can they do to help them? How can they help them? Today, rates of autism found in children have increased over the past few decades. However, doctors and scientists do not know what the causes of this mental illness are? Some common assumptions that are considered causes of autism are found through genetics, environmental factors, or when the child is first diagnosed with autism or ASD. “According to a MIT computer scientist with no background in agriculture, genetics, or epidemiology, half the country’s children will be born with autism by 2020s because of the increased genetically modified crops.” (Suresh 4).
In the early 1960s up until today, autism has gradually increased within the number of reports and diagnoses of children. As scientists and doctors continue their research of the increases in autism cases, the more children became diagnosed with this illness. Autism is known as a “medical puzzle” because throughout the decades numerous studies and research were done on children to see if they the diagnosis were accurate. “Traditionally, autism is diagnosed with behavioral tests that assess whether kids are meeting developmental milestones, such as talking, interacting with their parents and siblings, and

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