
Autism Spectrum Disorder Essay

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Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is characterized by impairments in information processing and social interactions. ASD symptoms include repetitive behavior, disordered language/communication, and unreciprocated social and emotional interaction. These impairments indicate underlying neurodevelopmental abnormalities and are often exhibited in delayed communication compared to those who are not on the spectrum. B.F. Sparks and his colleagues have identified, through a study they performed on brain structure in kids with autism, specific regions of the brain that are affected by ASD (31). These regions include the limbic system, specifically the …show more content…

Other variables include poverty level of the family, whether or not the child was adopted, relationship of family with physician, number of pediatricians, and ethnicity (13). Children who exhibited hearing loss were typically diagnosed with ASD up to 10 months later that children who did not exhibit hearing loss. However, children with other more severe ASD symptoms, such as language deficits, toe walking, and hand-flapping, are typically diagnosed earlier on (17).

According to Losinski, expert in special education, autism spectrum disorder afflicts 1.5% of the children in the United States (12). That means over 1 million children in the United states have been diagnosed with autism. TACA (Talk about Curing Autism) reported that, “more children will be diagnosed with autism this year than with AIDS, diabetes [and] cancer combined” (28). The Autism Response Team at Autism Speaks record that 1 out of 42 boys and 1 in 189 girls are diagnosed with autism in the United States. Yeargin-Allsopp conducted a study with his colleagues and their findings concluded that although boys are 4 times more likely to develop autism, girls are more likely to develop the more severe cases (36).

In May 2013 the American Psychiatric Association published the DSM-5. The DSM-5 is considered the authoritative document that defines

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