
Avoid Being Facebook

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Avoid Being Flagged As Low-Quality and Use New Features To Your Advantage (Facebook Updates) If you didn’t know already, Facebook is one of the platforms that constantly updates and changes their newsfeed algorithm to improve what posts visitors are served in their newsfeed. Over the years, these tweaks seem to lean more and more towards getting businesses to pay to reach a higher percentage of their page fans but oftentimes can be combatted, at least to a certain degree, by switching up your Facebook strategy. Here are two of the changes that have been made recently: 1. Reducing links to low-quality web page experiences – This is another version of many other algorithm updates Facebook has made to reduce the number of click-bait type …show more content…

Also keep in mind that as you accumulate “bad points” for these individual links, Facebook counts them against the entire domain – so, for example, if Facebook flags as a low-quality link, it will begin to consider all links that start with as low-quality links, no matter what comes after the slash (/). B. Pop-up ads or lightboxes – It wasn’t that long ago pop-ups were the bane of our online existence. Later, sites began to implement ads in lightboxes or modals – a kind of pop-up that doesn’t open in the web page via a script or other types of programming – so that they couldn’t be blocked by pop-up blockers until ultimately sites started to figure out that visitors hate any kind of ad that keeps them from viewing what they came to the site to view. But they haven’t gone away completely; most sites have just modified their use to only make asks related to the site or brand itself, such as signing up for a newsletter, following them on social media, or just sharing the article, which can be a great list or follower builder. Unfortunately, Facebook makes no differentiation between these new uses and the pop-up windows of old. If you have any kind call-to-action (CTA), regardless of whether it opens a secondary tab/window or if it is a lightbox that opens within your web page, Facebook will flag the page as a low-quality experience because you are serving up an “ad” instead of taking the user immediately to view

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