
Aztec Religion

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v. Explain the relationship between the religion and its society.
There is not many differences between Aztec religion and its society.
The Tlacatecuhtli also known as "chief of men” has authority over its religious ceremonies and also the military leader. Under The Tlacatecuhtli were a group of religions and other offices which included military generals. Priests and priestesses were considered highly important in Aztec society. They played the role of doctors. Priests also taught science, art, writing, music, dance, history, and counting. They also had great knowledge in astronomy and astrology, performing difficult ceremonies.
Religion plays an important part in the lives on Aztecs, also very complicated because they inhabited aspects …show more content…

Under these three gods were four gods that were invisible to the human world. Below these gods were many other gods. The important ones were Tlaloc the rain god and Chalchihuitlicue the god of growth. Aztecs worship about 1,000 gods but the most sun was the most important. Their religious ceremonies were held in a temple with pools for ceremonial cleansing and living quarters for their priests. The temple also had racks to hold skulls of victims that were used as sacrifices to their gods.
The most important part of the Aztec religious life was human sacrifice. It was practiced in all of Aztec history. The god provided needs for human, so in return a sacrifice was to be made. The Mayan priest had many ways of nourishing there gods. This was done through blood caused by piercing of the tongue, ears or genitals. Other sacrificial practices were through prayer, food offering, sports and even drama. The relationship between the religion and its society was a strong believes in life after death. Aztecs believed death was more important than life, the way they lived their life would determine where they would end up after death. There was two determining factor and it was whether they would go to the sun god or the dark underworld. If an individual died a normal death his or her soul would go through the nine lives of the underworld before reaching Michtan the land …show more content…

Discuss the relationship between sacred spaces and the belief of the religion
The sacred spaces of Aztec have strong relationship between the beliefs of the religion. Aztec referred to the temples as Teocalli, called by the Mexican people of the Empire known as God houses. The priest of the Aztec religion visited these temples to pray and worship. Also making offerings to their gods to strengthen and nourish them.
In Aztec religion the whole area of the city is dedicated to religious activities. Some sacred spaces would be made to specific gods and some were built for certain celebrations. The buildings associated with the Aztec religion are the pyramids. These were four sided and stable structures that could withstand earthquakes that were highly common in the area. These great pyramids would have stairs on the sides and a flat top.
Templo Mayor
Height: 60m/197ft
The gods: Huitzilopochtli and

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