Baking and cooking are both very different but one takes the cake in my book and that 's baking, whether it be how the end result is much prettier, the comfort of less area to mess up, or that its revolved around sweet things than savoury, all these things contribute to baking being better than cooking! Though cooking is not an exact endeavor I think by comparing and contrasting the differences between baking and cooking many people can come to the conclusion that baking is better for cooking. Many would argue in favor of cooking but I’m here to argue for baking for a multitude of reasons. When one looks at these two methods, I think it’s important to look for meaning behind one’s own thoughts. Many of the things I’m arguing for here have a basis in some of the many things I’ve learned while doing both baking and cooking. Through looking at the benefits of pitfalls of both cooking and baking I think it’s easy to conclude that baking is the superior method of the culinary arts.
Firstly, the basis of baking ends up with a product that is much more visually appealing than in cooking. By cooking the food in a traditional sense often times the food can be processed in a way that though it may add to flavor, it detracts from the overall plates beauty. However, when we contrast this with baking, the process of baking allows for a meal or dish that looks inherently cohesive because of its cooking process. In essence, when looking at cooking you have elements that often times get
Ever since I was little, I enjoyed being in the kitchen with my mom, dad and other family members. As long as I can remember, I was always there, trying to help out in whatever I could and what my family members would let me. When I was eight, I baked my first batch of chocolate chip cookies and ever since then I developed a passion and dedication for baking that has helped to teach many
When was the last time you and your family gathered around the dining room table and enjoyed a home cooked meal made by your mom or dad? It’s been a while hasn’t it? Is it because everyone’s too busy, or because your parents don't cook as often anymore and rely on take-out or one of those frozen dinners you pick up at the your nearest store. By the looks of it one can say that cooking might be coming to an end, and this generation no longer cares about cooking like people did back in the days when the “THE FRENCH CHEF” first appeared on television in 1963. In the reading, “ The End Of Cooking”, the author; Michael Pollan, writes about how cooking is no longer practiced in many American homes.
When it comes to cooking you really have to think about who you are cooking for and what reason you are preparing the meal for. Is it just for you? Or is it for you and your family? Are you cooking for taste and pleasure? Or are you cooking simply for the macronutrient and micro nutrient content to further better yourself and reach your goals you have set for personal fitness and health?
The series consistently brings up our primal need to cook, while trying to entice us back into the kitchen with beautiful cinematography, personal stories about people, and the cultural impact of the things we take for granted. There 's no doubt that Cooked is a passion project, with a strong message, however, there are many inconsistencies with the argument they present. These inconsistencies mostly revolve around a failure to negate questions of how to achieve their idealist viewpoints, cherry picking scientific evidence, and simultaneously trying to dismantle food industry fuckery while supporting a fallacy.
Dailey and Ellin quote Levine by saying, “‘The idea is to fight obesity and not obese people’”(579). By learning to cook nutritional meals, students will have the tools neccessary to fight the disease that is plaguing their country. To show that households have lost their way of food preparation, Pollan recalls a conversation with Harry Baltzer: “‘Not going to happen,’ he told me. ‘Why? Because we’re basically cheap and lazy. And besides, the skills are already lost. Who is going to the next generation to cook? I don’t see it’”(584). Schools are designed to supply students with the knowledge to thrive. Therefore, they should include information on culinary arts because it will help reestablish the ideals once thought to be traditional. Likewise, Beebe and Thompson state, “By changing our children’s environment so they have access to healthy foods and physical activity, we improve the opportunity for all members of a community to improve their health”(1). Their statement reinforces the idea that students who learn healthy recipes in school are more likely to lead a healthy
Cooking is something that has been around since the beginning and something that we cannot afford to loose. Cooking is what makes us human, what provides us with the right nutrients and what keeps us from falling into the industries trap. Michael Pollan’s The Cooking Animal reinforced my belief on the importance of home cooked meals and also expands it.
Chefs and restaurant owners goal during the revolutionary war of French cooking was to make new and personalized dishes that were made with combinations that never existed before. Chefs and cooks while getting their professional training were instructed and forced to learn how to cook dishes that were considered standards of cooking and are now called classical cuisine. Chefs began to grow tired of making the same dishes and using the same recipe, these chefs than began to rebel against the establishment of cooking. These chefs started to experiment and tamper with dishes to see what new creations that they can
Some advantages include doing things you like, running your own business, and just flat out the skill itself, the skill itself is an advantage because when you get married you want to be able to cook for your husband and your kids when you have them. Food is also a basic necessity you need to eat to live and you do not want to depend on friends, family, and fast food restaurants your whole life to cook for you. Some disadvantages include burning yourself and the food, some unpleasant smells, and customers with bad
How we cook food has been one of the biggest changes. Prior to the 1950s, cooking was not about being creative or enjoying cooking, although some did; was a necessity required to live. For many people, there has been a shift in cooking; if a person does not wish to cook they do not have to. Cooking has become a more enjoyable task, it is not necessarily a requirement of survival. Unless a person was a
In conclusion, when baking a cake the idea is to have fun and enjoy the whole experience including eating the delicious treat that you’ve created. Having the proper kitchen tools and utensils will ensure that the cake itself is mixed and baked properly. Since most of the ingredients are common to most households, the opportunity to make a delicious dessert is almost at your fingertips. Knowing the
I have always enjoyed baking and cooking, as a result, I often bake with my family members. This means that I do have some prior knowledge of importance of nutritional values, convenience, safety and shelf life of foods. Food Science has actually been integrated into our everyday lives, and that is what makes it so appealing to me. The food industry is one of the largest industries in the world and I am eager to be part of this important industry, researching on how to produce food that is of better quality. Research that has previously been done by Food scientists have largely contributed to the higher quality of life experienced in many countries today, as compared to that of previous decades. To work with food is a heavy responsibility as people place their trust in those who produce the food they consume. I believe that it would be of great satisfaction for me to see a food
I am Taylor Sellers, an upcoming student at Jefferson State Community College. I want to attend Jefferson State Community College because of the outstanding state of the art culinary program. I have visited with other schools that have recommended and well respected culinary programs, but their programs do not even come close to comparing to this program. Also, Jefferson State has already created memories for me and have largely impacted my basic knowledge of culinary and the basic skills needed to start out in the industry. I have attended a weeklong culinary camp they hosted this past summer and I was able to learn basic skills that led up to us being able to prepare a three course meal to showcase for our families. I also have had the opportunity of joining the culinary explorers program and I have learned and I am still learning many valuable lessons not only skills needed in the kitchen but also with important character traits that are needed in every profession not just
To begin with, the culinary arts is my passion because it excites me. The culinary arts is a competitive field and I love the thrill of competition. It allows me to reach the height of my potential, in addition, compare my skills with other people who have the same passion as I do. While I'm cooking my senses explode when the collaboration of components create sensational textures, aromas, and colors.When I'm baking I enjoy the science involved with timing, measuring, and patience as the results always excites me. For instance, it excites me how a French croissant starts as a dough and transforms into a beautiful golden crescent with layers of soft, flaky, and buttery pastry inside. The ingenuity is also what excites me about culinary arts because everything is art, from plate decorations, to the food its self. I
Cooking is pure joy and fun for me. I cook as a way to ground myself, to think clearly and to relax for a change. I enjoy researching ingredients I’ve never heard of before, what pairs best with this spice or that vegetable. When someone strikes up a conversation with me about cooking, I could go on for hours, so be prepared! Through cuts, burns, failed recipes, forgotten ingredients, I still find joy in the art of cooking. Losing this passion would surely be like losing myself.
When it comes down to feeding your body and mind, nothing is superior to preparing your food from scratch, with quality ingredients and served with love. If you have never experienced this phenomenon then try it out for 90 days and see how you feel. Come to that, see how your family feels as you work together in the kitchen to create a level of harmony and good health that is only possible when food is prepared in a loving manner, and eaten slowly with others. OK, so no excuses about time and schedules and…and…and. Instead let’s take a look at why preparing your food is a win-win situation for everyone.