
Band Aids

Decent Essays

"The Smallest of Things can Make a Big Difference"

Although there are many types of inventions, I think that Band-Aids have impacted the world today in several different ways. Band-Aids are adhesive strips with small fabric of gauze stuck in the middle so that you could easily wrap around your wound or cut. They have been very helpful for minor injuries, have easy applications, and without them, there would be more bacteria in the world. And for my entire life, every time I had small injuries, I depended on Band-Aids, and clearly, they are my hero. First of all, Band-Aids are helpful since they can protect injuries with coverage, in which this reduces pain and exposure. When I was younger, I remembered that I tripped on …show more content…

When even the littlest of injuries are exposured, bacteria will always find a way to attract to it. So, I would highly suggest to grab a Band-Aid, and put it on your damaged skin. However, if you do not put a Band-Aid on, more bacteria will find a way to get to that small injury, which would not help with reducing the pain, and this is unhealthy for your body. Once it gets in your body, bacteria will spread everywhere since they can cause a virus, or possibly a disease, in which this would spread to everyone around you. And therefore, if you do not put a Band-Aid on, not only are you putting your health in risk, but you are putting everyone else's health in risk too. However, my mom is a nurse, and whenever I get the smallest of injuries she always tells me to apply a Band-Aid on it since bacteria will find a way to get to it as soon as possible since she knows what could happen ahead of time if I don't conceal it. So basically, as long as your minor injury is covered and protected by a Band-Aid, this will reduce the pain and bacteria in your body …show more content…

First of all, they are very helpful when it comes to coverage, which can reduce pain as well. Also, they have very easy applications in the way of the fabrics coordinate with each other, which makes my life easier. And finally, if you have a Band-Aid, you just lowered the risk of everyone's health, in which this makes a really good impact on the world. Overall, I think that Band-Aids at something special that we should be very grateful for in the world since it has saved many people's lives and impacted them in several different ways, and even the smallest of things can make a very big

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