The day has finally come, the day where I have my potato tasting party with all of my most famous friends. The party is being held at the Bat Cave, and I need to leave soon so I can set things up. Once I arrived at the Bat Cave I was greeted by the most wonderful views. There were two waterfalls, one on each side of the entrance. Water was splashing up from every which direction making it feel like it was raining intensely. Once I entered I was greeted by Batman and his butler Alfred. “Hello,” said Batman with his deep dark voice. “Suh dude,” I said awkwardly. “Alfred will show you around” Alfred motioned me towards him and I started to follow. He led me around the entire Bat Cave, he showed me the sleeping quarters, the main headquarters, and the gigantic room where the party is being held. Once we were done headed back to …show more content…
Alfred replied, “I am just so busy right now.” Batman interrupted loudly, “DO IT ALFRED!” Alfred and I started setting up and finished just in time as the guests started to arrive. Seeing as there were already three of us here, there were only two more left to come, Donald Trump, and Peter Griffin. He was the first to arrive. He walked through the door and said with his big squeaky voice, “How’s everybody doing?” We all replied “Great.” “That's good,” he replied. Shortly after Donald Trump arrived and the potato tasting party could begin! We all gathered in the dining room and started tasting all the potatoes. We went around the big table counter clockwise and judged each potato as we tasted them. There were many different kinds of potatoes. There were cheesy, crunchy, gross, and colorful potatoes. We all started on the cheesy potatoes. “Pretty good!” I exclaimed. “Awesome!” Peter shouted. “Good,” Batman grunted. “Tasty,” Alfred said boringly. “I have lots of money,” Trump said questionably. We all moved on to the next kind of potato, crunchy. “It’s just a potato chip,” I
In my opinion, the ending wasn’t satisfying. It wasn’t satisfying because I was expecting a little bit more. For example, when the whole entire band shaved their hair I was surprised. But, I was wondering as to why the girls didn’t do it as well, I was hoping that they’d shave their hair as well. Also, when Jeffery got sick and Steven couldn’t perform, but in the end he received an award for his drums. But, he didn’t even perform and he got the award, I thought that it was unfair for the other people that played the instruments. Also, when Steven went to Sam and she died I was heartbroken. So, I would’ve kept her alive, I would have let her meet her sister. I would let them have a reunion, then later on she would give some more advice to
“Well,” Mrs. Johnson interrupted, “how about we settled down and talk about our plans for the morning?” Everyone agreed and sat in a circle discussing their ideas. Next, they decided they should head to bed due to the early times they would have to wake in the morning. As they woke up, they put on their layers of clothes, grabbed their bags, and headed for the Johnsons’ business. They would be staying in an attic, which luckily had a bathroom, but would have to sleep all in one room. They set up their belongings and set rules which they would have to follow to stay safe.
“Somewhere, a Long, Happy Life Probably Awaits You” (Jill Sexsmith) and “Batman and Robin Have an Altercation” (Stephen King) both share a common trait between each of the two stories that revolve around a mentally ill family member. The two stories each follow in accordance with Tzvetan Todorov’s Theory of Narrative. They each begin with an equilibrium and after a disruption, they fall into an offset of the balance of the story. The characters then recognize the problem and take action to restore the initial balance that had previously existed. In “Somewhere,”, theory of narrative is portrayed through a man and his mentally ill wife. The author uses two stories, one about the man’s wife and another about the tree on their front lawn that coincide to develop a path that follows the Todorov’s theory. Batman follows the story of a man and his father who has Alzheimer’s disease. This short story follows a day with the man’s father to convey Todorov’s theory.
Batman comes off more of a “player” as throughout the comics and in the initial episode of 1966 he grabs the “attention” of women. Midhurst explains, “The threat she embodies is nothing less than heterosexuality itself, the deadliest threat of the Bat-couple” (157). For example, in The Batman the Golden age Cat women utters, “I sort of wish the batman were driving this car and I were sitting beside him. And we were just another boy and girl out for a ride” (396, 8). Throughout the series Cat women appears and she is the criminal that batman allows to get away with it because of his evident love for her. Batman gets thrown off of his mission fighting crime In addition, in the episode seen in class “Hi Diddle Riddle” batman was sent to a disco by the Riddler. As soon as batman walks in a women is in awe struck as she says “its Batman” and feints. After that, he is seen being flirtatious with Molly who is ally of the Riddler. He goes as far as having a drink with her and even dancing with her. In that moment he forgets what he actually is there looking for, by being mesmerized by the seductive women. It gives the idea that Batman can get away with any
From inside we could hear Phineas fall clumsily down the white marble stairs. Everyone stayed calm as we rushed outside to assist him. Finny said he couldn’t move or feel his legs and people started splitting up to go get help and shouting orders. Once the doctors and nurses arrived some of us helped to move him to the infirmary. After what seemed like hours Dr. Stanpole came out to tell us the news. He told us something we never expected. Phineas severed his spine. He was paralyzed from the waist down and would never be able to walk again. He said that Phineas needed rest so everyone should go back to their rooms. Everyone left but I was frozen. It was almost as if I had fallen with Phineas, I couldn’t
The air smelled sharply of chemicals, and smoke. You can hear sirens from the GCPD cars. The sound blaring from being so close to them was reading to the point when I heard my being called I missed it.
Good versus evil is one of the oldest morality plays in human history, a glorious battle between the forces that would protect life and those who would destroy it. But who do you cheer when you are faced with the impossible decision of choosing a side in a contest between evil versus evil, between dumb vs. dumber, between Godzilla and Mothra?
Bruce Wayne’s longtime friend Rachel Dawes says, "It’¬s not who you are underneath, but what you do that defines you” (Nolan). In Batman Begins, Bruce Wayne’s fictional journey transforming into the Dark Knight begins when his parents are murdered in cold blood outside of a theater in Gotham. The experience Wayne had with Gotham’s crime early in his life traumatized him, and it left him without a sense of purpose. As a result of his parents’ murder, Wayne goes on a journey around the world to discover his purpose; he decides that his calling is back in Gotham. Wayne creates the vigilante Batman because he realizes the city his parents worked hard to build is being destroyed by organized crime.
Strong-hearted and unafraid, Beowulf’s character is the example of the heroism that many of the characters in novels, movies, and even various of real-life people have aimed at achieving. The iconic hero of The Dark Knight (2008), Bruce Wayne, otherwise known as the “Bat Man”, steps up to protect and save the people of Gotham City. The two of these protagonists are very different- but the similarities they share are key when asking the question: “Are they ‘Epic Heroes’?” Beowulf is emphasized as being a loyal, honest, and strong leader.
Ralph refuses to kill the girl. Sal thinks they should kill her. He convinces Ralph it’s the best thing to do. They hear Jenny scream. Sal goes to get her, but he also sees the dead bodies. Jenny is gone. Ralph hears Sal scream. Jenny jumps out with the axe. A struggle erupts. Sal appears to be possessed. Ralph stabs him. Sal dies. Jenny goes after Ralph and hacks off his limbs. She calls her mother to tell her that she’s coming after her next for letting her be violated by soul hungry
Joker could only see a dot in the distance with a naked eye, that must be the travelers. Even with the binoculars not much detail was seen. "One, maybe two vehicles" Trey said. "Three or four people is all I can make out. They know we're here, so they must have a telescope or something with serious magnification. Would you be so kind as to bring up the truck and tell the Swede to pick another route."
“It’s not who I am underneath, but what I do that defines me.” Said by Bruce Wayne, explains how he feels about what he does as Batman. His actions as Batman prove him as an anti-hero. Christopher Nolan portrays Batman as an antihero through isolation of the character, and a dim setting of the movie.
Writing essays have never been easy for me. Describing my thoughts and feelings just don't seem to turn into the right words I want to say. Coming up with a theme and an argument is hard to convey, making the reader see what I'm truly trying to say. The hardest parts of writing essays for me is coming up with the right things to say that correlate to my argument and doing so under a short period of time.
Do you remember what I told you that night? That if I hadn’t seen the doctor pull Amir out of my wife, I’d never believe that he is my son? Well, that thought had been crossing my mind a lot these past weeks. Just yesterday, I took him out to watch the yearly Buzkashi tournament. Before we had left, I had sensed a sign of discontent from Amir, but I shrugged it off as if he were tired. Buzkashi was Afghanistan’s passion. It was not possible that an Afghan was not interested. While we sat in the upper bleachers, Amir often looked confused or bored. He would look up at the chapandaz then back down at his fingers. I had told him the sight of a book at the Buzkashi was unbearable, and that he could last a few hours without burying his face in one. Although his eyes were on the horses, I knew by his gaze he knew next to nothing about Bazkashi. So I decided to point out my long time favourite chapandaz, Henry Kissinger. Before Amir had time to respond, I saw his eyes dart to the far end of the stadium. A chapandaz fell off his saddle and was crushed under the hooves of the horses. Slowly, Amir’s face changed from shock to mournful. How is it that this is my son? This rather quiet, bookish, feminine
Batman is one of the many fictional superheroes which appears in the “American comic books” that is published by the DC comics. The character is a secret identity for Bruce Wayne, the only heir to Wayne Enterprises. Bruce Wayne swore an oath of vengeance when he witnessed the death of his parents;Thomas Wayne and Martha Wayne (Diamond, 2015). Bat man combats criminals in Gotham: a fictional city, with assistance from various characters, for example, his butler Alfred and Gordon; Gotham city police commissioner. Unlike many of the superheroes characters, Batman possesses no powers .Bruce Wayne trained himself intellectually and physically .it is from dedication to training he possessed the useful traits of physical prowess, martial arts skills, detective skills and indomitable will to fight for justice. Though his motive is to combat crime and protect people of Gotham city from criminals, the justice system in most of the times views Batman as a villain and vigilante. He can inflict fear to Gotham city criminals thereby bringing calmness to the city. I identify myself with the Batman character through his selfless will for justice, his strong determination to do good