
Becoming An Army Officer Research Paper

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Becoming an Army Officer, to me, is one of the most fulfilling careers a person can have. I want to be an officer in the United States Army because I want to have a fulfilling and exciting career. I refuse to become complacent in life, and by becoming an officer, my job would change daily causing me to constantly learn and strive to better myself. One day I could be sitting at a desk doing paperwork and the next I could be in the field with my soldiers, executing small unit tactics. The idea of leading soldiers who have decided to sacrifice their freedom to protect our country is very humbling and exciting. Another reason why I want to an Officer in the United States Army is, that I have always entertained the thought of being in the military …show more content…

Many people are born “natural” leaders, but no one starts out as a great leader. One must sharpen and develop the skills needed to be a quality leader. One skill a leader must have is the ability to learn new things quickly. If someone can adapt to a changing situation and catch on to new tasks in a short amount of time, that person will be able to react more quickly and learn more in a short amount of time. Another quality a leader must have is empathy. A good leader needs to be able to put themselves in their subordinate’s shoes and understand what that person might be going through. If a leader cannot relate to those below him or her, they will never gain trust and will not be able to effectively lead. Another major skill a leader must have to be effective is communication. If an officer cannot effectively relay information from his commander down to his soldiers, then the mission will fail and lives could be lost. One last skill that I believe is necessary to be an effective leader is the ability to be aware of one’s strengths and weaknesses. If an officer can recognize a soldier’s weak points and strong points, then together, they can develop a plan to increase the weak points and strive to maintain the areas where the soldier is stronger. While there are many more skills and qualities to being an effective leader, I believe that the ones listed above are some of the more important ones. The style of leadership portrayed by a leader is directly correlated to the morale and behavior of his or her

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