
Bedroom Observation

Decent Essays

My heart drops into my stomach. I am plunging into the dark abyss below not knowing what waits for me at the bottom. I look up at the roof of the rusty old elevator to see the last rays of sunlight disappearing above me. I, along with eleven other people, am packed into the tight space like sardines in a can. As I plummet I can feel the hot summer air becoming more and more frigid, yet the heat of bodies surrounding me warms my skin. Clicking and whirring of the machine is all I hear yet it is almost deafening. The elevator comes to a sudden stop as my body lurches forward. While regaining my balance light once again appears. Large stadium lights are fighting to supply this massive cave with light. I slowly step out into the large dome shaped …show more content…

Standing there I can taste the bitterness of minerals in the musty damp air. The air is moist and cool to the touch, I can almost see my breath as walk about the cavern. I am stopped in the center of the room just as the world around me becomes black. All of the lights have been shut down. I am enveloped into the blackness that surrounds me. I can feel my heart pounding out of my chest, knowing that this is the truest black that I have ever experienced. As I adjust to my surroundings I don’t hear a single voice, or any noises at all. As time passes my senses heighten and I am able to feel a slight breeze across the nape of my neck. I can feel the moisture of the air on the palms of my hands as I clench them together turning my knuckles white. I start to hear the dripping of water as it pools onto the floor, along with the screeching of bats in the distance. A sense of calmness floods over me. Time seems to drag on making seconds feel like hours. I begin to hear a faint buzz, then suddenly, and all at once light returns to every crevice of the cave. Details arise that were not apparent when I had first entered the cavern. The colors of the rocks are now more

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